Change the feed editor style
You can edit the style templates supplied with Business Analytics. Editing the style templates enables you to customize the look and feel of the feed editor, e.g., colors schemes, fonts, brand logo or background colors.
You have Business Analytics administrator permissions.
1. Edit the style template file application.less located in the following folder on the Business Analytics server. See Change dashboard style template for details. <MashZone NextGen installation>\apache-tomee-jaxrs\webapps\presto\hub\dashboard\assets\custom-look-and-feel\application.
2. Reload the changed style template file.
a. Open the Business Analytics Dashboard Editor.
b. Click Manage > Change style template in the main menu.
c. To reload the application style template click Activate.
d. Click OK.
3. Open the Business Analytics Feed Editor.
Your changes are applied.