Appendix : Administration : Business Analytics Server Configuration : Business Analytics Logging : Configure Logging for the Business Analytics Server
Configure Logging for the Business Analytics Server
The Business Analytics Server log, prestoserver.log, logs all exceptions from startup through shutdown. See Business Analytics Logging for links to additional types of logging you can use with Business Analytics.
For clustered environments, updating logging configuration affects logging only for the Business Analytics Server where you are currently logged in. Generally, this is the behavior you want.
To change logging for all Business Analytics Servers in the cluster, update logging configuration for one server and copy the updated MashZoneNG-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/conf/ file to each of the other Business Analytics Servers in the cluster. You do not need to restart Business Analytics Servers.
To configure basic logging for the server
1. Click Admin Console in the Business Analytics Hub main menu.
2. Expand the Audits and Logs section and click Server Log.
3. Edit any of the following properties:
*Root Log Warning = the general logging level to use, such as ERROR. All exceptions for that level and above will be logged, so this contributes directly to how quickly logs may grow. DEBUG is the most verbose logging level.
*Log file path = both the folder where the log files for the Business Analytics Server should be saved and the name to use for log files. This defaults to tomcat-install/logs/prestoserver.log.
You can use an absolute path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the web-apps-home folder.
*Maximum log file size = maximum size for a log file. Once a file has reached this size is it saved as a numbered backup, such as prestoserver.log.1 and a new log file is started.
*Data nucleus logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use in the data mapping layer for Business Analytics.
*HTTP client logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use for requests/responses between the Business Analytics Server and mashable information sources.
*NET SF logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use for JSON serialization and deserialization.
*ACEGI security logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use with the Business Analytics security layer.
*Apache logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use with many of the third party libraries used in Business Analytics.
*Spring framework logging level = This property should only be changed when requested by Business Analytics technical support to help debug specific issues. It is the logging level to use for server initialization, shutdown and the request/response pipeline for the Business Analytics Server.
4. If desired, click Advanced Options to set any of these properties:
*Log class for normal logging = the java class that handles appending log entries to the log file. This defaults to org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.
*Layout class for normal logging = the Java class that handles the layout pattern for entries to log files. This defaults to org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
*Layout pattern for normal logging = the expression defining the pattern for entries to the log file. This defaults to %d %p [%c - %m%n
*Maximum normal log file backups = how many log backups are kept. This defaults to seven.
The advanced properties are defined by Log4J, the underlying logging framework for Business Analytics. For more information, see
5. Click Save log settings.
This change becomes effective automatically within 60 seconds.
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