Changing Finders for Tables or Views
You can also change the default finders that MashZone NextGen generates for tables or views or any finders that you add. You can change the finder name (the operation name for the mashable), add or change parameters, change the WHERE clause or add an ORDER BY clause to sort results.
1. Select the table or view from the folder in the left pane.
2. Click Configure in the right pane.
The Configure Columns and Finders window opens.
3. Click the Finders tab.
4. Select the finder you want to change in the left pane.
Detailed information for this finder displays in the right pane.
5. Double-click in the Name, Where Clause or Order By fields to change these values.
Be sure to:
Use database names for columns in the
Where Clause or
Order By fields.
Identify parameters in the
Where Clause in the form
:parameter-name. For example:
Make sure that all parameters used in the
Where Clause are also defined in the Parameters table in this screen.
6. To add a parameter for use in the Where Clause, click . Double-click in the cells of the empty table row to define the parameter:
Name: the name for this parameter. This must be a legal SQL name.
Java Type: the Java class for the datatype of this parameter.
JDBC Type: the JDBC datatype of this parameter.
Precision: the JDBC precision for a numeric parameter.
Scale: the JDBC scale for a numeric parameter.
7. To delete a parameter, select it in the Parameters table and click . 8. Click Save.
9. Click Close.