Appendix : Operators : Data transformation operators : Change data type - single value : Parameters
The following parameters are available.
Single value
Source: Single-value operator
Data type: Date, Number, or Text
Specification: Mandatory
New type
New single-value data type
Default value: Text
Specification: Mandatory
Format (Date type)
Time format for conversion from Date type to Text type and vice versa.
The following formatting symbols are available when converting date into text:
*Year: y or Y
*Quarter: Q
*Month: M
*Calendar week: w
*Day of the week: E or e
*Day of the month: d
*Day of the year: D
*Hour: H or h
*Minute: m
*Second: s
*AM/PM: a
*Time zone: z (e.g., GMT)
*RFC time zone: Z (e.g., -0900)
*Era: G (must always be AD)
*Default value: MM/dd/yyyy
The following formatting symbols are available when converting text to date:
*Year: y
*Quarter: Q
*Calendar week: w
*Week of the month: W
*Day of the week: E
*Day of the month: d
*Day of the year: D
*Hour (0-23): H
*Hour (1-24): k
*Hour AM/PM (0-11): K
*Hour AM/PM (1-12): h
*Minute: m
*Second: s
*AM/PM: a
*Time zone: z
*RFC time zone: Z
*Era: G
Default value: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss;
Permitted separators in both cases:
Dash/minus (-), underscore (_), slash (/), period (.), colon (:), comma (,), tab character, and space.
Specification: Mandatory
Language if the target format is of the Date type.
Available languages: de and en.
Specification: Mandatory when using names of months and names of days of the week
Decimal separator
Separator for the decimal places, if the target format is of the Number type.
Default value: Comma (,)
Specification: Mandatory
Format (Number source format)
Number format for the conversion of the Number type to the Text type.
You can select predefined formats or set your own format manually.
With manual entry, the numbers before the decimal separator must have four digits ascending and then descending, e.g., 1,234.321. After this, you can add text (such as the unit "hours" or km/h).
Default value: 1234
Permitted separators:
*Thousands separator in German: period (.)
*Thousands separator in English: comma (,)
*Decimal separator in German: comma (,)
*Decimal separator in English: period (.)
Leading zeros
Number of leading zeros. The maximum number of leading zeros is the number of digits before the decimal separator.
Format: 1,234.12 and leading zeros: 5
Number -> Text
10,245 -> 00010,25
12000,4 -> 12000,4
89,7 -> 00089,70
Specify type
Automatically specifies the data type of the source values.
If the content of a column does not correspond to its assigned data type, a row is created in the operator which specifies the data type determined for this column Vice-versa, settings (lines) are removed from the operator, which would reset the data type of a column already typified correctly.
Encoding (Text source format)
Specifies the encoding of special characters, for the conversion of the Text type to the Text type, e.g., "/", "&", "?".
Apply UTF-8 encoding: encodes the entire text, using UTF-8 codes
Decode UTF-8: decodes the entire text, using UTF-8 codes
Apply URL encoding: keeps the URL specific characters
For UTF-8 encoding/decoding the special characters must be masked in a valid URL. Only select this option if you are sure that all sections that make up the URL are already masked.
The characters in the time format can be combined in any order and repeated any number of times.
*For a month, the number of characters must be >= 3 (MMM or MMMM) if the month is specified in text format (JAN, FEB, etc.) and <3 if it is specified as a figure. In this case, a language must also be specified so that the name of the month can be transformed correctly.
*For a year format such as 2009, y can be specified any number of times, i.e., yy and yyyy return 2009.
*For a year format such as 09, however, yyyy returns the year 9 and yy the year 2009.
*When formatting date values as days of the week for a date to text conversion, an e/E number < 4 returns the day abbreviations (MON, TUE, etc.), while e/E = or > 4 returns the full name of the day.
*Only the month (M), minute (m), time zone (z), RFC time zone (Z) and week of the year (w) are case-sensitive.
*When converting text to date, if the Q or q symbol is used for quarters all other symbols except Y and y are ignored. Only the order of Q/q and Y/y is decisive then.
*For the reverse conversion from date to text, the Q/q can be combined with any other symbols, but may only occur once (not QQ/yy)
*Quarter entries are currently only possible in the form YYYY-Q or YYYY-QQ. These strings may only consist of the year, separator, and quarter.
*All other strings must be enclosed in single quotation marks ('). Spaces can be inside or outside, e.g., 'On' dd.MM.yy 'at' hh:mm, or 'On 'dd.MM.yy' at 'hh:mm' '.
*The space pattern in the source and target format must match, e.g., "2 .3 .09" -> "d .M .y" but not "2. 3. 09" -> "d .M .y".
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