Legacy Presto components
MashZone NextGen concepts
MashZone NextGen
What is ...? Why can't I?
Wires concepts
View concepts
Mashboard concepts
What is ...? Why can't I ...?
Wires concepts
What is a mashup?
What kinds of information can I use in a mashup?
What is an artifact?
What are valid artifact names and IDs?
What is a mashable?
What are all the strange input parameters, such as app-id, for mashables or mashups?
What are results?
What is a view?
What is an app?
What is a workspace?
What is a snapshot?
What are MashZone NextGen attributes?
Why can't I find, create, run, register or publish ... in MashZone NextGen?
Why can’t I use the artifact name in EMML or other code?
What is a block?
What kinds of actions can I use in a mashup?
Can I control whether a block is used in a mashup?
When I try to draw connections between blocks they just disappear. How do I connect blocks in Wires?
Why can't I preview results for a block? or my mashup?
I get the wrong results when I use the Sort action with dates. Why doesn't this work?
Why can't I open and edit some mashups in the Block Menus?
What do all the strange block properties, such as <appid>, mean for a mashable?
What are the "*:" symbols that show up in paths to fields?
What is a namespace?
View concepts
Mashboard concepts
None of the views I see display results the way I want. Are there other views I can use?
What is a category?
What is a series?
What are events in views?
How do I make one app or view react to user actions in another app or view in my workspace?
What are events in workspaces?
What is wiring?
Why can't I find any published events for apps or views in my workspace?
What events can I use when wiring apps and views in a workspace?
I added an app to a workspace in Mashboard and it has stopped working. I cannot delete the app from my workspace. How do I get rid of this app?
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