The XCF DRIVER statement and its parameters are used to activate and define the characteristics of the local IBM mainframe node. The access method name "XCFD" instructs Entire Net-Work to load the line driver module NETXCF.
The XCF DRIVER statement has the following format:
DRIVER XCFD [ACCEPTUI = {Y | N}] [GROUP = {group-name | WCPXCFV5}] [LARGEMSG = {msg-size | 8192}] [PSTATS = {Y | N}] [RCVBFNUM = {nnn | 4096}] [RSTATS = {Y | N}] [SENDMULT = {Y | N}] [SMALLMSG = {msg-size | 1024}] [STATINT = {interval | 3600}] [TRACESIZ = {size | 8192}]
For more information about syntax conventions and rules used in this section, read Conventions.
The DRIVER statement parameters are read from a sequential file during system startup, and can be modified after startup using the ALTER operator command. Some parameters can be modified when the line driver is open or closed. Others can be modified only when the line driver is closed. For more information about the CLOSE command, read Entire Net-Work Operator Commands. For more information about the ALTER command, read XCF Operator Commands. The open/closed requirement for each parameter is included in its description.
This section describes all of the parameters that can be used for the XCF DRIVER statement.
For more information about syntax conventions and rules used in this section, read Conventions.
This optional parameter determines whether the line driver will accept connections from systems that have not been previously defined with LINK statements. The ACCEPTUI parameter can be modified when the line driver is open or closed.
Valid values are Y
(Yes) or N
If Y
is specified, Entire Net-Work will accept connection requests from an
undefined system and the required control blocks are built dynamically. Normal
"handshaking" procedures with the new connections are performed.
If N
is specified, Entire Net-Work will reject incoming requests from
unknown source nodes.
GROUP = {group-name | WCPXCFV5}
All Entire Net-Work nodes intending to form part of the same network environment on the
sysplex must use the same unique XCF group name. The group name must be the same on all
Entire Net-Work nodes; it must also be different from the name of any other product or system
using XCF. Results are unpredictable if Entire Net-Work nodes are assigned to the same group
as other types of systems such as Db2 or CICS. Multiple XCF group names must be defined
if you wish to support multiple isolated/separated network environments within one
sysplex. The GROUP parameter specifies the Entire Net-Work group name, which may be defined in
the COUPLExx member in SYS1.PARMLIB (see Step 5 of the
Entire Net-Work XCF Option Installation
Procedure). The default group name is WCPXCFV5
. The
GROUP parameter can be modified only when the driver is closed.
LARGEMSG = {msg-size | 8192}
This optional parameter is used to specify the minimum size of a large message for statistics reporting. Any data messages larger than this size are counted as large messages. Any data messages smaller than this size are counted as medium or small messages, depending on the value specified by the SMALLMSG parameter.
For example, using the default values for SMALLMSG and LARGEMSG:
Data messages between 1 and 1024 bytes long are reported as small messages.
Data messages between 1025 and 8192 bytes long are reported as medium messages.
Data messages larger than 8192 bytes long are reported as large messages.
PSTATS = {Y | N}
This optional parameter determines whether or not statistics are printed. Statistics triggered by the PSTATS parameter are written only to DDPRINT.
A value of Y
indicates that statistics should be printed at regular
intervals; a value of N
indicates that the statistics should not be
printed. The default is N
This parameter is only used to set the default for all links.
RCVBFNUM = {nnn | 4096}
This optional parameter allows you to specify the number of entries in the receive
buffer table. The minimum value you can specify is 100
, the maximum is
. The default is 4096
Values outside the valid range are set to the respective minimum or maximum with no
error message. Each entry is 16 bytes. For example, RCVBFNUM=8192
create a table with 8192 entries, a total size of 131072 bytes.
In almost all cases the default table size is adequate. We
recommend that you do not alter the RCVBFNUM parameter setting unless directed
to do so by Software AG.
RSTATS = {Y | N}
This optional parameter determines whether or not statistics are reset.
A value of Y
indicates that statistics should be rest at regular
intervals; a value of N
indicates that the statistics should not be
This parameter is only used to set the default for all links.
This optional parameter determines whether or not multiple messages can be sent
together in one send call. Valid values are Y
(Yes) and N
(No). If you specify Y
, all ready to be sent messages on a link are sent in
one operation. If you specify N
, only one message is sent at a time. The
default is value is N
There are no special requirements for a partner node receiving data from a node with
. The receiving node can specify SENDMULT=Y
, and it can be on any supported version of Entire Net-Work.
To see if SENDMULT=Y
is causing multiple messages to be sent together,
look at the link statistics and compare the total number of messages sent with the
number of send calls.
SMALLMSG = {msg-size | 1024}
This optional parameter is used to specify the maximum size of a small message for statistics reporting. Any data messages smaller than or equal this size are counted as small messages. Any data messages larger than this size are counted as either medium or large messages, depending on the value specified by the LARGMSG parameter.
STATINT = {interval | 3600}
This optional parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, before statistics are automatically printed or reset. Statistics triggered by the STATINT parameter are written only to DDPRINT.
The STATINT parameter can be modified when the line driver is open or closed.
Acceptable values range from 0
to 2147483647
. The default is
No statistics are collected or reported for the driver; this parameter is used to set the default for all links.
TRACESIZ = {size | 8192}
This optional parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the driver-specific trace table.
The TRACESIZ parameter can be modified when the driver is open or closed