Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option includes two line drivers:
The Entire Net-Work TCP/IP line driver (TCPI) allows a z/OS-compatible system to participate as a partner in a TCP/IP network with other Entire Net-Work nodes running on a variety of platforms, including OpenVMS, UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh, in addition to other mainframes.
The Entire Net-Work Simple Connection Line Driver (TCPX) provides communication between ADI-enabled client applications and Adabas Version 8 databases running on z/OS. ADI-enabled clients are Software AG products that use Software AG's Directory Server (ADI) component. ADI facilitates the central management of directory services, eliminating the need for directory configuration files on every machine.
This document provides information for administrators responsible for installing Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option.
Installing Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option Under z/OS | Describes the installation of the Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option on z/OS operating systems. Note that the Simple Connection Line Driver is not supported on MSP systems. |