Limitations and Restrictions

This document describes requirements and restrictions of Entire Net-Work for this release.


  1. Entire Net-Work 6.5 SP1 is compatible with Entire Net-Work 6.4 SP1 nodes.

Adabas Components

Entire Net-Work 6.5 requires the Adabas 8 components supplied in Adabas Limited Load Library (WAL) and the SVC from Adabas 8.3.4 (or later) . However, before Entire Net-Work can function correctly, the most recent fix data set must be concatenated in front of the standard WAL load library.

Be sure your enterprise is running with the most current fix solution for WAL supported by Entire Net-Work 6.5, when available for that platform.

You should always use the most current Adabas load library or the Adabas limited library (WAL) as provided on the Entire Net-Work installation media, unless you have been specifically instructed otherwise by Software AG. Entire Net-Work Version 6.5 requires Adabas mainframe version 8.3.4 or later or WAL 8.3.4 or later.

TCP/IP Transport Providers Supported

Entire Net-Work 6.5 supports the following levels of TCP/IP transport providers:

Platform TCP/IP Protocol Supported

IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Version 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12.


IBM and Connectivity Systems TCP/IP z/VSE Version 4.2 and 4.3.

BS2000/OSD Sockets Subsystem

Sockets Version 2.0 and above.

For Sockets 2.2 and above, the SOC6 subsystem will be used, otherwise the SOCKETS subsystem is used.

When accessing via IPV6 addressing, a SOC6 subsystem with Sockets 2.5 is the minimum requirement.