Entire Net-Work Light


Entire Net-Work Light (product code WCT) is a subset of Entire Net-Work (product code WCP) that is optimized for client access to z/OS Adabas Databases via TCP/IP. Entire Net-Work Light uses the Software AG XTS protocol and offers performance improvements over Entire Net-Work when used with direct client configurations.

When started on an SVC, WCT registers all eligible database on that SVC with the ADI. The database information is also updated when the TIMER interval expires or the REFRESH command is issued. In addition, WCT delivers calls from client applications to the relevant databases via the Software AG XTS protocol. WCT makes it so every client application initiates and uses its own unique connection.

WCT supports the Entire Net-Work for zIIP option and a WCT server can co-exist with another Entire Net-Work node (WCP, WCA or WDX) on the same SVC.

Entire Net-Work Light has the following restrictions:

  • You can define only the TCPL DRIVER.

  • Connections to Entire Net-Work nodes (WCP, WCA, WDX or ADATCP) are not supported.

  • You cannot define LINKs.

  • You cannot establish WCT as an Adabas target.

  • The Programmable Command Interface (PCI) is not implemented.

  • If you want to access an Adabas database with a Linux or Windows client, the database must be UES enabled. The requirements listed in the System Requirements section of this document also apply, unless an exception is mentioned in this section.

Use Cases

Entire Net-Work Light provides Adabas Database access for all Software AG direct client software that uses the Software AG XTS protocol over TCP/IP. Some of these direct clients are:


The Software AG Jopaz product allows Java programs to make Adabas calls. If the Adabas Database is not local to the Java program, Jopaz will send the Adabas call via TCP/IP (using the Software AG XTS protocol) to the Entire Net-Work Light that has registered the database in the Adabas Directory Server.


The Software AG batch/TSO Adabas link routine, ADALNK, can be configured to support TCP/IP sockets. When configured, z/OS batch/TSO programs running on a different z/OS LPAR can make Adabas calls to any Adabas Database that has been registered in the Adabas Directory Server by Entire Net-Work Light.

Entire Net-Work Client (WCL)

The Entire Net-Work Client provides a direct TCP/IP connection to Entire Net-Work Servers for Natural and 3GL applications on Linux, Unix, Windows, including Entire Net-Work Light. The TCP/IP connection is made directly to the Entire Net-Work Light node that is identified in the Adabas Directory entry for the Adabas Database. The direct connection potentially eliminates the need for multiple hops through traditional Entire Net-Work nodes.

ADATCP Substitute

ADATCP provides direct TCP/IP connections to Adabas Databases by running an Entire Net-Work node as a subtask in the Adabas address space. Entire Net-Work Light provides the same direct connectivity without the need for the Adabas address space subtask overhead. The communication responsibility for all directly connected Adabas Databases (on the same SVC as Entire Net-Work Light) is contained in the Entire Net-Work Light address space.

ADATCP can receive connections from other Net-Work nodes. Entire Net-Work Light does not have that functionality.


Except for license files, Entire Net-Work Light does not use components from WCP or WTC. Do not mix or merge the WCT load library with the WCP or WTC load libraries.


Entire Net-Work Light requires WAL854.MVSL001 or higher, which contains the fixes AI854009, AU854017 and AU854022.

The following fixes are required for previous Adabas versions:

ADA853: AI853017, AU853059, AU853064

ADA852: AI852023, AU852075, AU852080

Step 1: Unload the Installation Data Sets

WCTvrs.LOAD The z/OS load library for Entire Net-Work Light.
WCTvrs.MVSSRCE The z/OS source library for Entire Net-Work Light, where vrs represents the version of Entire Net-Work Light.
MLCvrs.MVSJOBS The sample job library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software.
MLCvrs.MVSLOAD The load library for Software AG's common mainframe license check software.

The current version of each library is represented by the vrs replaceable.

Step 2: Prepare the Licenses

Entire Net-Work Light requires both an Entire Net-Work (WCP) and an Entire Net-Work TCP/IP Option (WTC) license. An AZPAD (Adabas for zIIP) license is also required for Entire Net-Work Light with an ADARUN ZIIP=YES option. Please refer to Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing for more information about how to prepare the necessary licenses.

Step 3: Create the Startup JCL / PROC

The member JCLNET (from the WCTvrs.MVSSRCE installation dataset) contains sample JCL for starting Entire Net-Work Light. Modify the dataset names as required.

Step 4: Create the ADARUN control statements

The member ADARUN (from the WCTvrs.MVSSRCE installation dataset) contains sample ADARUN parameters for Entire Net-Work Light. Modify the SVC (and any other) ADARUN parameter as required.

ADARUN TARGETID=nnnnn is not required for WCT, unless you are using Adabas SAF Security. Please see Entire Net-Work Security for additional information.

Step 5: Create the NODE and DRIVER Control Statements

The members NETWKL and DRTCPL (from the WCTvrs.MVSSRCE installation dataset) contain sample NODE and DRIVER control statements. Change NODENAME to a node name that is appropriate for your site and set the SERVERID, ADIHOST and ADIPORT DRIVER parameters. ADI=YES is specified in the sample.

SERVERID is the TCP/IP port that Entire Net-Work Light listens on. It must be a port number that is not used by any other server on the z/OS LPAR.

ADIHOST is the host name on which the Adabas Directory Server resides in your network.

ADIPORT is the TCP/IP port number that the Adabas Directory Server listens on. In most cases, Entire Net-Work Light must register databases with an Adabas Directory Server to function properly.

Refer to the Entire Net-Work NODE Statement section for a full description of the NODE parameters.

Refer to the TCPL DRIVER Statement section for a full description of the TCPL DRIVER parameters.

Step 6a: If Needed, Install the Adabas Directory Server (ADI)

You only need one Adabas Directory Server in your network. If you need to install the Adabas Directory Server on z/OS, the required installation datasets come with Entire Net-Work (WCP). Refer to the ADABAS Directory Server Administration section for more information.

Step 6b: If Needed, Start the Adabas Directory Server (ADI)

Ensure that the identified in the DRIVER ADIHOST and ADIPORT definition Adabas Directory Server is running. If the Adabas Directory Server was installed during the installation of Entire Net-Work Light, please refer to the ADABAS Directory Server Administration section for more information.

Step 7: Start Entire Net-Work Light

You can start Entire Net-Work Light either by submitting the Entire Net-Work Light job or by starting the Entire Net-Work Light PROC with the z/OS START command.

TCPL Driver Statement

The TCPL DRIVER statement and its parameters are used to activate and define the characteristics of the local IBM mainframe node. The access method name TCPL instructs Entire Net-Work to load the line driver module NETTCPL.

In most cases, only one DRIVER statement needs to be coded in your Entire Net-Work startup parameters. However, multiple DRIVER statements can be defined to allow Entire Net-Work to listen on multiple ports.

DRIVER Statement Format

The TCPL DRIVER statement has the following format:


For more information about syntax conventions and rules used in this section, read Conventions.

Modifying the DRIVER Statement Parameters

The DRIVER statement parameters are read from a sequential file during system startup. They can be modified after startup using the ALTER operator command. Some parameters can be modified when the line driver is open or closed. Others can be modified only when the line driver is closed. Read about the ALTER and CLOSE commands in TCPL Operator Commands. The open/closed requirement for each parameter is included in the parameter descriptions.

DRIVER Statement Parameters

This section describes all of the parameters that can be used for the TCPL DRIVER statement.

For more information about syntax conventions and rules used in this section, read Conventions.

ADI Parameter


Valid values are "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

This parameter specifies if Adabas Directory Server (ADI) support is enabled or disabled. Default is "N" for Net-work nodes, and "Y" for ADATCP and WCT.

  • If "Y" is specified, Adabas Directory Server (ADI) support is enabled. This is the default for ADATCP and WCT.

  • If "N" is specified, Adabas Directory Server (ADI) support is disabled. This is the default for Net-work nodes.

ADIHOST Parameter


No default.

Valid values are 1-255 characters.

This parameter specifies the hostname of the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). The hostname is used to attempt to acquire the TCP/IP address of the system where the ADI resides. If used, ADIHOST and ADIPORT must both be specified.

If you specified ADI=Y, but not ADIHOST, Net-Work Light will attempt to resolve the ADI hostname by trying SAGXTSDSMF and LOCALHOST, in that order.

ADIPART Parameter


No default.

Valid values are 1-32 characters.

This optional parameter specifies the partition name to be used with the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). If specified, the partition name will be included in all target entries added to the ADI by this session. Partitions are used to restrict database access; when an application queries the ADI for a target and specifies a partition, only entries with the same partition name are returned. Likewise, if the query does not specify a partition, only entries that do not have a partition are returned.

ADIPORT Parameter


No default.

Valid values are 1-65535.

This parameter specifies the port number used to communicate with the Adabas Directory Server (ADI). If used, ADIHOST and ADIPORT must both be specified.

If you specified ADI=Y, but not ADIPORT, Net-Work Light will attempt the connection using either the ports SAGXTSDSMFPORT or 4952. If defined, SAGXTSDSMFPORT resolves to an encoded port number. Please see Adabas Directory Server Concepts for more information.

ALLOWIP6 Parameter


This optional parameter determines whether the line driver will accept connections using IPv6 communication. When the driver is opened, initialization for IPv6 communication is attempted. If the stack is not IPv6-enabled, IPv4 communication is used.

Valid values are "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No).

  • If "Y" is specified, Entire Net-Work will attempt IPv6 communications when the driver is opened.

  • If "N" is specified, Entire Net-Work will not attempt IPv6 communications when the driver is opened.

CONNQUE Parameter


This optional parameter specifies the number of connect queue entries. The value specified must accommodate the maximum number of simultaneous connection requests from remote nodes.

After the connection is accepted or rejected, connect queue entries are reused. If the value of this parameter is not high enough, the API routine is not able to process the incoming connection and the partner eventually will time out. Depending on the API being used, a message may be displayed indicating that an error has occurred. Values can range from 1 to 64; a value greater than 64 is reset to 64. The default value is 10. The CONNQUE parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

DRVCHAR Parameter


This optional parameter specifies the special character used to designate that an operator command should be directed to this line driver rather than to a specific link. The DRVCHAR parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

The default for this parameter is "#".

DRVNAME Parameter


This optional parameter specifies the 4-byte driver name. The DRVNAME parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

The default for this parameter is "TCPL".

The DRVNAME parameter enables sites to make multiple TCP/IP API routines available at the same time. For example, the IBM APIs can be made available within the same Entire Net-Work address space. This parameter also allows two or more drivers to be defined so that Entire Net-Work can listen on multiple ports simultaneously.

KEEPALIV Parameter


This optional parameter allows you to maintain connections when there is no other traffic with the remote links. Valid values are "Y" or "N."

  • When this value is set to "Y", it causes internal TCP messages to be sent periodically to all remote links, thus maintaining the connections when there is no other traffic with the remote links. The amount of time between messages is determined by the TCP/IP stack.

  • When this value is set to "N", internal TCP messages are no longer sent periodically and the connections are not maintained.

The default for this parameter is "N".

MULTSESS Parameter


This optional parameter determines whether a connect request from a host that has an active connection is treated as a new link. This parameter can be modified when the line driver is open or closed.

A value of "Y" indicates that the connect request is treated as a new link; a value of "N" indicates that the connect request is rejected.

The default for this parameter is "Y".

NODELAY Parameter


This optional parameter allows you to indicate whether the IBM socket option TCP_NODELAY is enabled or disabled for a link. TCP_NODELAY indicates whether data sent over the socket is subject to the Nagle algorithm (RFC 896). For more information, refer to your IBM documentation.

Valid values for this parameter are "Y" (the TCP_NODELAY option is enabled) or "N" (the TCP_NODELAY option is disabled). The default is "Y".

NUMUSERS Parameter


This parameter specifies the estimated maximum number of concurrently active clients. For performance reasons, a table of individual client entries is preallocated based on this number. During the Entire Net-Work session, if the number of active clients is exceeded, the table is automatically expanded by 50% of the current value. The size of each entry in the table is 256 bytes. The minimum value is 10, maximum is 32767. The default is 100.

This parameter can only be altered when the driver is closed.

OUTBUFSZ Parameter


OUTBUFSZ specifies the size of the output buffer.

An output buffer is allocated for each link and is used for the output buffers for an Adabas call, such as the Record Buffer. This preallocated buffer avoids the overhead of allocating and freeing a buffer for each Adabas call. If the output buffer is too small, a separate buffer is allocated for that call only. The link statistics show how many times, if any, the output buffer was too small. The default size is 32K. OUTBUFSZ can be specified in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. Example: OUTBUFSZ=2M

RCVBUFSZ Parameter


RCVBUFSZ specifies the size of the TCP/IP receive buffer.

A receive buffer is allocated for each link. If the message is too big to fit in the receive buffer, a separate buffer is allocated for that call only. The link statistics show how many times, if any, the receive buffer was too small. The default size is 32K. RCVBUFSZ can be specified in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. Example: RCVBUFSZ=64K

SERVERID Parameter


This optional parameter specifies a well known port number used by Entire Net-Work while awaiting connection requests from participating Entire Net-Work partners. Values may range from 1 to 65535. The SERVERID parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

The default for this parameter is 1996.

SUBSYS Parameter

This parameter is obsolete. It is available for compatibility reasons only.


This parameter specifies the name of the subsystem to be accessed by the API routines that use subsystem control blocks in interaddress space communications. The default value is VMCF. The SUBSYS parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

In a z/OS environment, the IBM API routines communicate to the system address space by locating the subsystem control table and retrieving the information required to perform cross-memory communication. If the subsystem is specified incorrectly, the driver is not able to perform its open processing and no connections are possible.

This parameter is not used in a z/VSE or BS2000 environment.

SUPMSGS Parameter


This optional parameter suppresses printout of the following messages in the TCPL DRIVER: NETP818I and NETP819I. This allows you to avoid cluttering your logs with these connection and disconnection messages.

Valid values are "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No):

  • If "Y" is specified, the NETP0818I Connect, and NETP0819I Disconnect messages are suppressed (no longer output to the log).

  • If "N" is specified, the NETP0818I and NETP0819I messages are output to the log.

TRACE Parameter


This parameter indicates whether tracing for this line driver should be active (Y) or not (N). When tracing is activated, trace information is placed in the trace table. The default is N (no). The TRACE parameter can be modified when the line driver is open or closed.

This is equivalent to specifying TRACE=linedriver-code or TRON=linedriver-code in the NODE statement (for example, TRACE=CTCA).

TRACESIZ Parameter


This optional parameter specifies the size, in bytes, of the driver-specific trace table.

This parameter is also used as the default size of the link specific trace table.

Valid values can range from 4096 to 4194304. A value less than 4096 is reset to 4096; a value greater than 4194304 is reset to 4194304.

The TRACESIZ parameter can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

The default for this parameter is "4096".

USERID Parameter


This parameter's value can be modified only when the line driver is closed.

The USERID parameter specifies the name of the started task, job, or virtual machine in which the IBM TCP/IP protocol stack is running. The value is 1-8 characters. The default value is TCPIP.

WCPPART Parameter

WCPPART is an alias of ADIPART and works in the same way as ADIPART.

TCPL Driver Operator Commands

Entire Net-Work's TCPL Driver has the ability to process operator commands that are directed to a specific link or directly to the driver.

This section covers the following topics:

Operator Command Syntax

Under z/OS, the TCPL Driver operator commands have the following format:


The following table describes this syntax.

Syntax Representation Description

Informs Entire Net-Work that the command is destined for the TCPL Driver. If more than one TCPL DRIVER statement exists, use the name specified on the DRVNAME parameter of the DRIVER statement instead of TCPL.


A value that informs Entire Net-Work what the target of the command is, as follows:

  • Specify an asterisk (*) if the target is all links.

  • Specify the DRVCHAR value ("#" is the default) if the target is the driver itself (see the DRVCHAR parameter on the TCPL DRIVER Statement).

  • Specify the link name if the target is a specific link.

cmd1, cmd2, and cmdx The operator commands to be carried out. Multiple commands can be specified in a single command statement. When the ALTER command is specified, it must be the last command in the statement, because everything following the ALTER command is treated as a DRIVER or LINK statement parameter. One or more DRIVER or LINK statement parameters must be specified.


The following are examples of TCPL Driver operator commands:


Driver Commands

The Entire Net-Work TCPL Driver supports the commands listed in the following table when the target is the driver. The underlined portion of the command is the minimum abbreviation.

Command Action
ALTER driver-parms
Dynamically changes the driver configuration. The ALTER command is followed by the driver configuration parameters to be altered. The driver configuration parameters are the same as those specified in the DRIVER statement. For example:
Disconnects and closes all links that are connected to other nodes. Releases all resources held by the driver as well as all open links. Closes the driver.

Reopens the driver after it is closed with the CLOSE operator command or because of an access method failure. Allocates all the resources needed by the driver to communicate with TCP/IP.

Also attempts to resolve any unresolved host names.

Resets all statistics for the driver. Statistics are printed only if the STATS command precedes the RESET command.
Displays the current configuration of the driver. The current configuration is always shown automatically following an ALTER command.
Causes all control blocks specific to the link to be snapped (printed in hexadecimal). Driver-specific control blocks and Entire Net-Work specific control blocks are not snapped.
Causes the immediate printing of statistics and restarts the statistics interval. This command has no effect on the next automatic printing of statistics. To print and reset statistics, specify RESET immediately after the STATS command. For example:
Displays the current status of the driver as well as a count of messages received and sent.
Causes the TCPL Driver to format and print the driver-specific trace table. The trace table is formatted and printed in hexadecimal automatically when the SNAP command is processed.

Displays the Adabas user ID in character and hexadecimal formats, the Context ID and Context Verifier values (these are part of the internal message header and can be used to help identify the client), and the number of database calls received for the client.

When the driver is closed, it does not recognize the commands CLOSE, STATS, or RESET.

Link Commands

The Entire Net-Work TCPL Driver supports the commands listed in the following table when the target is a link or all links. The underlined portion of the command is the minimum abbreviation.

There is rarely a reason to manipulate a link with operator commands because links in Net-Work Light are created dynamically when clients connect and cannot be defined.

Command Action
Disconnects the link if it is connected to another node and releases all resources held by the link.
Attempts to establish one or more TCPL sessions with the target link(s). If the link is already connected or is in the process of connecting, the command is ignored.
Starts the disconnect sequence for the target link(s). If the link is already disconnected or is in the process of disconnecting, the command is ignored.
Allocates all the resources needed by the link to communicate with TCPL. Does not initiate a connect to the remote node. The status of the link displayed via the SHOW operator command is not affected by the OPEN request.
Resets all statistics for the link. Statistics are printed only if the STATS command precedes the RESET command.
Restarts processing on a link that was temporarily stopped due to a SUSPEND command.
Displays the current configuration of the link. The current configuration is always shown automatically following an ALTER command.
Causes all link-specific control blocks and the link-specific trace table to be snapped (printed in hexadecimal). Driver-specific control blocks and Entire Net-Work-specific control blocks are not snapped.
Causes the immediate printing of statistics and restarts the statistics interval. This command has no effect on the next automatic printing of statistics. To print and reset statistics, specify RESET immediately after the STATS command. For example:
Displays the current status of the link as well as a count of messages received and sent.
Temporarily stops all processing on a link. Processing can be restarted with the RESUME command.
Causes the link-specific trace table to be formatted and printed. The trace table is formatted and printed in hexadecimal automatically when the SNAP command is processed.

Displays the Adabas user ID in character and hexadecimal formats, the IP address for the link, the Context ID and Context Verifier values (these are part of the internal message header and can be used to help identify the client), and the number of database calls received for the client.

Entire Net-Work Light Operator Commands

All WCP operator commands are available with WCT with the exception of:









Messages Specific to Entire Net-Work Light

NET0400I Net-Work running in WCT mode

The Net-Work server is running in WCT mode. Please refer to the Net-Work Light (Product Code WCT) section for details.


No action required, this is an informational message.

NET0401 Driver XXXX not applicable with WCT

The indicated DRIVER is not available with WCT. Only the TCPL driver is supported. Please refer to the Net-Work Light (Product Code WCT) section for details.


Remove the DRIVER definition from the DKARTE parameter input.

NET0402 LINK definitions not applicable with WCT

The indicated LINK is not available with WCT. No LINK definitions are allowed with WCT. Please refer to the Net-Work Light (Product Code WCT) section for details.


Remove the LINK definition from the DKARTE parameter input.

NET0403 Keyword: XXXXXXXX not applicable with WCT

The indicated keyword used in a NODE or DRIVER definition is not available with WCT. NODE keywords BUFFERS, DEFINE, DOMAIN, MAXPATH, NID0 and ULINK may not be used with WCT. Please refer to the Net-Work Light (Product Code WCT) section for details.


Remove the keyword definition from the DKARTE parameter input.

NET0404E Operator command not applicable to WCT

The following operator commands are not applicable to Net-Work running in WCT mode: DEFINE, DISABLE, DISPLAY (NODES, PATHS, CSCI, CQ and CQE), DISCONNECT, ENABLE, PROBE, RESUME and SUSPEND.


Exchange the operator command with an applicable one.