Installing and Running Adabas Directory Server on z/OS

This document provides product-specific instructions for installing the Adabas Directory Server on z/OS UNIX.

This document covers the following topics:


Installing and running the ADI on z/OS UNIX requires:

  • Java to already be installed in your installation.

  • Required authority to create, write to, and execute from the directories created during the install.

Installation Overview

Installing the Adabas Directory Server (ADI) Java components includes the following steps:

  1. Create a directory to be used to install the Adabas Directory Server.

  2. Copy the delivered .tar file to the install directory.

  3. Unpack the .tar file, that will create the folder structure with subdirectories and files needed for the Directory Server.

  4. Configure the properties in the file (if not using the defaults).

  5. Copy the ADIENV source member, and make needed changes for your environment.

  6. Modify the sample ADIJOB job, used to start and run the Directory Server.

  7. Start the Directory Server.

Installation Steps

Start of instruction setTo install the Adabas Directory Server, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a z/OS UNIX directory to be used for installing the Adabas Directory Server:

    mkdir SoftwareAG
  2. Copy the delivered .tar file to the directory created in Step 1.

    This can be done by either:

    Navigating to the Directory and executing the following command:

    cp "//'hlq.WCPvrs.MVSTAR'" adi.tar

    Execute the TSO oput command:

    tso "oput 'hlq.WCPvrs.MVSTAR' '/u/SAG/SoftwareAG/adi.tar' binary"

    The target directory needs to point to the fully qualified name for your installation.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing the adi.tar file and execute the following command to unpack the contents:

    pax -r < adi.tar
  4. The default values supplied in the file can be changed as required. Please refer to the documentation of the valid values for the fields, contained within the Adabas Directory Server properties file. For example:


    Software AG has registered default ADIPORT number 4952 with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use by the Adabas Directory Server.

  5. Modify a copy of the hlq.WCPvrs.MVSSRCE(ADIENV) source member, to supply the environment variables needed to launch the Java VM.

    • Replace variable <path1> with the fully qualified path to your ADI installation.

    • Replace variable <ver1> with the version of the Adabas Directory Server.

    • Replace variable <pathJava17> with the location of your Java 17 installation on USS.

    For example:

    IJO="$IJO -DADIDIR=/u/SAG/SoftwareAG/adi"
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J17.0_64
  6. Modify a copy of the hlq.WCPvrs.MVSSRCE(ADIJOB) source member, to:

    • Supply a valid JOB card

    • Point <path to ADI jar> to the fully qualified path to the Adabas Directory Server .jar file.

    • Modify the STDENV DD statement to point to the ADIENV member modified in the previous step.

    For example:

    //  JAVACLS=' -jar /u/SAG/SoftwareAG/adi/target/adi-'

Adabas Directory Server on z/OS UNIX Operation

This section describes how to start and operate the Adabas Directory Server.

Starting the Directory Server

To start the Directory Server, submit the modified ADIJOB.

Stopping the Directory Server

To stop the Directory Server, issue the P ADIJOB operator command.

Changing the ADIPORT

To change the ADIPORT,

  1. Stop the Directory Server.

  2. Modify the value in the file as described in step 4 of the installation,

  3. Submit the ADIJOB to restart the Directory Server with the new value.