API Control Plane 11.0 | Using API Control Plane | Runtimes | Manage Runtimes | Editing a Runtime
Editing a Runtime
Runtimes are automatically populated in API Control Plane when the runtime establishes connectivity with API Control Plane. The API Control Plane agent, embedded in each runtime, starts sending data to API Control Plane, with the information received from each runtime. For more information about how to establish a connection between runtimes and API Control Plane, see Connecting webMethods API Gateway to API Control Plane section in webMethods API Gateway Administration guide. For details about how to establish a connection between runtimes and API Control Plane using Agent SDK, see JAVA-based Implementation. As a user, you might want to customize the runtimes based on the project requirements, like adding additional tag names, modifying the deployment type, changing the location, and so on.
API Control Plane allows you to modify the auto-populated runtime details of runtimes.
Before you begin
Ensure that you are assigned to the API platform provider user group to perform this task.
*To edit a runtime
1. Click the Runtimes tab.
The Manage runtimes page appears.
Edit Runtimes
2. Click Action menu > Edit on any runtime.
Edit Runtime basic details
The Edit page appears, displaying the Step 1 Basic Details section.
3. Edit the following details as required:
*Name. Name is mandatory.
*Upload the file in the Icon drop area using one of the following method:
*Drag and drop the files.
*Click Browse files and select the file.
If the file is not uploaded, API Control Plane uses the Icon Next icon.
Make sure the file size does not exceed 1 MB. Also, make sure the file you upload is in the svg, jpeg, jpg, or png format.
4. Click Next.
Edit Runtime Tags
The Step 2 Tags section appears.
5. Edit the following details as required:
*Tags. Tag name of the runtime.
*Type *. Runtime type. API Gateway is selected as the default. This field is disabled when you edit a runtime.
*Deployment type*. The runtime deployment type. Permitted values are On premises, Software AG cloud, and Private cloud.
*Host. Specify the host name. This field accepts valid URLs, hostnames, and IPv4 and IPv6 address formats.
*Capacity. The approximate estimate of the throughput that a runtime can handle. You can configure the Capacity value with any non-negative integer and for any duration which can be in the following units:
*per second
*per minute
*per hour
*per day
*per week
*per month
*per year
A data plane's total capacity is the sum of all of its separate runtime capacities. The aggregate capacity value is displayed on the dashboard and the monitoring screens.
If the Capacity value is not set or set to 0, the used capacity of the runtime in the Dashboard's Capacity widget is displayed as 0. For more information on Capacity, see Capacity.
*In case of API Gateway, the capacity value is loaded from API Gateway agent when it estabilishes the connection with API Control Plane.
*You can modify the capacity value loaded from API Gateway agent. When API Gateway agent restarts, the modified capacity value is overwritten.
6. Click Next.
Edit Runtime location
The Step 3 Location section appears.
7. Edit the following details as required.
*Region. Region of the runtime. For example, AWS-US.
*Location. Location of the runtime. For example, Oregon.
8. Click Save.
The runtime details are modified and saved.