Name | Required | Default | Description |
ADAPTER | N | Specifies an interface to use, for example nsp:// | |
ADAPTER_x | N | Specifies an interface to use, for example nsp:// where x = 0 -> 9 | |
CACHE_SIZE | N | 10 000 | Specifies how many events to cache in memory for a store with multi-file disk storage (where the "events per spindle" storage property is set above 0), thereby avoiding I/O operations on disk. You might want to increase or decrease this value depending on your publish and consume rates, available heap size and individual event size. |
CAKEYSTORE | N | Shorthand for | |
CAKEYSTOREPASSWD | N | Shorthand for | |
CHANNELUMASK | N | Specifies the default channel protection mask | |
CKEYSTORE | N | Shorthand for | |
CKEYSTOREPASSWD | N | Shorthand for | |
DATADIR | Y | The path that Universal Messaging uses to store its internal status and configuration information about the realm. See the section below for related information. | |
DISK_USAGE_SCAN_ENABLE | N | (no default) | Note: This parameter is deprecated in Universal Messaging version 10.7 and will be removed in a subsequent release. The parameter determines whether to check at regular intervals if there is sufficient free disk space for the Universal Messaging server to continue normal processing. This parameter can be set to true or false, or can be left undefined. If it is set to true or false, it overrides the setting of the realm configuration property DiskScanEnable. If DISK_USAGE_SCAN_ENABLE is set to true, the percentage of available free space must be greater than the value given by the realm configuration parameter DiskUsageFreeThreshold in order for processing to continue normally. If the amount of free disk space drops below this percentage value, the server logs an error message. The server will initiate a clean shutdown with an appropriate error message if the disk space available is less than 500 MB. If DISK_USAGE_SCAN_ENABLE is set to false, no check of available free space is done; in this case, if the server runs out of disk space, an unorderly shutdown may result. If DISK_USAGE_SCAN_ENABLE is not set, i.e. is set to neither true nor false, the regular checks for free disk space can still be carried out if the realm configuration parameter DiskScanEnable is set to true. See the description of realm configuration properties in the section
Realm Configuration in the Administration Guide. | | N | Useful to debug SSL issues. | | | N | Used to set the default KeyStore the server will use. If not supplied the client MUST set one when configuring an SSL interface | | | N | Used to set the default password for the keystore. If not supplied the client must set one when configuring an SSL interface | | | N | Used to set the default trust store the server will use. If not supplied the client MUST set one when configuring an SSL interface | | | N | Used to set the default Truststore password the server will use. If not supplied the client MUST set one when configuring an SSL interface | |
HTTPHeaderSize | N | 8192 | Specifies the initial size of the HTTP header. |
HTTPMaxHeaderSize | N | 2 * HTTPHeaderSize | Specifies the maximum size of the HTTP header. |
LOG_FRAMEWORK | N | Specifies a third part logging framework to use. Can be set to "LOGBACK" or "LOG4J2". The default is "fLogger". | |
LogFileDepth | N | The number of log files to keep on disk when using log rolling. The oldest log files will be deleted when new log files are created. | |
LOGLEVEL | N | 5 | Specifies the current log level to use |
LOGFILE | N | System.out | Specifies a log file to write the log entries to |
LOGSIZE | N | 100000 | The maximum size (in bytes) of the log file before the log file is rolled |
MaxFileSize | N | 1000000000 (1GB) | Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of a channel/queue file on disk, before automatic maintenance (auto-maintenance) is performed to re-order the file to remove purged events. The default is 1GB, although auto-maintenance is usually performed well before this limit is reached. |
MaxMemory | N | Uses the -Xms (minimum heap size) value | Specifies a target value for the maximum memory usage. As this value is approached, the realm server will attempt to free caches in order to release memory. |
MaxMemSize | N | Specifies the default value of the "MaintenanceMemoryThreshold" realm configuration option. See the section
Realm Configuration in the Administration Guide for related details. | |
mode | N | If set to IPAQ forces a small memory mode for the server | |
Nirvana.auth.exempt | N | Specifies the path to a text file that contains a list of users exempt from authentication. For more information about defining exempt users and configuring the property, see
Server-side Authentication. | |
REALM | Y | Specifies the name of the Realm Server. When creating a server instance, the server instance name is set to the realm name by default. After you create a server instance you cannot change the instance name or the realm name. For more information about creating instances, see
Universal Messaging Instance Manager in the Installation Guide. | |
SECURITYFILE | N | Specifies the super users for a realm server in a security file in the format user@host, one user per line. The default security file is secfile.conf in the bin directory of the server. Note that this is a bootstrap method on start-up of a realm. If you started the realm before specifying a SECURITYFILE, you must remove the realms.nst and realms.nst _old files from the RealmSpecific directory, and then restart the realm with the -DSECURITYFILE property set in the Server_Common.conf file to add the super user entries in the file to the realm ACL. In addition, you can use the SECURITYFILE property in recovery scenarios after you accidentally removed realm ACLs and as a result cannot connect to the server due to insufficient permissions. For more information about using the property to recover ACL permissions, see
Access Control Lists (ACLs). | |
SSLProtocols | N | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | Specifies one or more (comma-separated) SSL protocols that the realm server is allowed to use. If an attempt is made to use any other protocol on the server, an error will be raised. |