Purging Snooped Events from a Queue
After you start snooping on a queue, you can purge all snooped events from the queue.
For information about how to start snooping, see
Starting the Queue Snoop.
To purge events
1. In Command Central, go to Environments > Instances > All > Universal-Messaging-instanceName > Administration > Queues.
2. Select the queue on which you want to purge snooped events, and then click the Snoop tab.
3. (Optional) To purge a single event directly from the snooped events table, click . 4. Click Purge Events and on the Purge Events page, do one of the following:
To purge all events, click
To purge a range of events, in the
From Event ID field specify the ID of the first event in the range, and in the
To Event ID field, specify the ID of the last event in the range. Then click
If you do not specify a value in the From Event ID field, the range of events to purge starts with the first event on the queue and ends with the event specified in the To Event ID field. If you do not specify a value in the To Event ID field, the range of events to purge starts with the event specified in the From Event ID field and ends with the last event on the queue.