Forward Requests Based on URL Matches
The Nginx location directive in the ngnix.conf file enables you to route requests to a location in the file system.
While Nginx matches or searches a location block against the requested URL, the location directive tells Nginx where to search for a specific path by including all files and directories.
The location directive has the following syntax:
location [modifier] [URL-match] {
For more information about how to use regular expressions (regex) to forward requests to specific locations, see
The following example shows how to redirect requests to specific Universal Messaging servers by using regex:
server {
listen 80;
server_name proxy_server;
location / {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;
#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umhost:port;
location /umserver1/ {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;
#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umserver1host:port;
location = /umserver2 {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;
#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umserver2host:port;
In the example, traffic is redirected as follows:
location /umserver1/ - requests that start with
umserver1 are redirected to
location = /umserver2 - requests that match the
umserver2 block are redirected to
Requests that do not match
location /umserver1/ or
location = /umserver2 are served by the default
location directive.
Client Code Example
public void createSessionAndCreateChannel(String arg) throws Exception {
// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/ without any endpoint is redirected to
// http://umhost:port; in the code sample above.
nSessionAttributes defaultAttr = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/”);
nSession defautServerSession= nSessionFactory.create(defaultAttr);
nChannel chan = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“defaultServerChannel”));
// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/umserver1 without any endpoint is
// redirected to http://umserver1host:port; in the code sample above.
nSessionAttributes attr1 = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/umserver1”);
nSession session1 = nSessionFactory.create(attr1);
nChannel chan1 = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“umserver1Channel”));
// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/umserver2 without any endpoint is
// redirected to http://umserver2host:port; in the code sample above.
nSessionAttributes attr2 = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/umserver2”);
nSession session2 = nSessionFactory.create(attr2);
nChannel chan2 = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“umserver2Channel”));