About Securing Communication Between Command Central and Universal Messaging
To guarantee secure communication between
Command Central and
Universal Messaging, you must have only an nhps or nsps port (interface) configured on the
Universal Messaging server. For information about how to create a port and how to configure an nhps or nsps port specifically, see
Working with Universal Messaging
Configuration Types,
NHPS Ports, and
NSPS Ports, respectively.
When the Universal Messaging server instance is configured with a single nhps or nsps interface, Command Central uses this interface to connect automatically to the Universal Messaging server. By default, Command Central uses the same truststore file and, in case of client-side authentication, the same keystore file that are configured in the nhps or nsps interface.
If you want to specify truststore and keystore files that are different from the ones configured in the nhps or nsps interface, you can use either the standard Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) system properties or the
Universal Messaging client system properties for secure communication. For information about how to configure the properties, see
Configuring the JSSE System Properties and
Configuring the Universal Messaging Client Properties.