Universal Messaging 10.7 | Operations Guide | Logging | Using the RealmInformationCollector to Collect Server Logs
Using the RealmInformationCollector to Collect Server Logs
You can use the RealmInformationCollector command-line diagnostic tool to automatically collect log information about the Universal Messaging installation, the server, the Java service wrapper, the Universal Messaging plug-in for Platform Manager, and migration.
For more information about using the RealmInformationCollector, see The "Realm Information Collector" Diagnostic Tool.
The command for collecting log information has the following syntax:
runUMTool RealmInformationCollector -mode=live -instance=instanceName
Arguments and Options
Required. The server must be running when you execute the command.
Required. The name of the server instance for which you want to execute the command.
Required. A comma-separated list of the names of the logs that you want to collect. You can list all available logs or a set of logs. The logs to specify are:
*logs. Collects logs of a realm server. The location of the file is Software AG_directory \UniversalMessaging\server\instanceName\data\nirvana.log. Additionally, it collects logs created by the trace logger, if present. The location of the trace logging directory is Software AG_directory /UniversalMessaging\server\instanceName\data\traceLogging by default.
*tanukilogs. Collects Java service wrapper logs of a realm server. This file is located at Software AG_directory \UniversalMessaging\server\instanceName\bin\UMRealmService.log.
*installlogs. Collects installation log files for a product. These files are located in Software AG_directory \install\logs.
*spmlogs. Collects logs for the Universal Messaging plug-in for Platform Manager.
*migrationlogs. Collects Software AG migration logs.
Required. The duration in days and hours for which you want to collect log information.
*To collect all log information for the server with the instance name "umserver" for a period of two days and four hours:
runUMTool RealmInformationCollector -mode=live -instance=umserver
-include=logs,tanukilogs,installlogs,spmlogs,migrationlogs -logsduration=2d4h
*To collect installation and server logs for the server with the instance name "umserver" for a period of two days and four hours:
runUMTool RealmInformationCollector -mode=live -instance=umserver
-include=logs,installlogs -logsduration=2d4h