If a nSession is created with a nDataStreamListener then it will receive asynchronous callbacks via the onMessage implementation of the nDataStreamListener interface. The nDataStreamListener will receive events when:
An event is published directly to this particular nDataStream
An event is published to any nDataGroup which contains this nDataStream
An event is published to an nDataGroup which contains a nested nDataGroup containing this nDataStream
An example of how to create a session with an nDataStreamListener interface is shown below:
public class DataGroupClient : public nDataStreamListener{
nSession* mySession;
public DataGroupClient( std::string& realmURLs){
nSessionAttributes* nsa = new nSessionAttributes(realmURLs);
mySession = nSessionFactory::create(nsa, this);
// nDataStreamListener Implementation
//Callback received when event is available
public void onMessage(nConsumeEvent* event){
//some code to process the message