Universal Messaging 10.7 | Administration Guide | Command Line Administration Tools | Syntax reference for command line tools | Syntax: JMS Tools
Syntax: JMS Tools
The JMS Client for Universal Messaging supports JMS 1.1. The client does not support JMS 2.0.

Tool name:

Creates a JMS connection factory with the specified server.

runUMTool CreateConnectionFactory -rname=<rname>
-factoryname=<factoryname> [optional_args]

CreateConnectionFactory -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -factoryname=factory0
Connects to a Universal Messaging server at nsp://localhost:9000 and creates
a connection factory named 'factory0' that uses the nsp://localhost:9000 connection URL.

CreateConnectionFactory -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -connectionurl=nsp://SomeFQDN:9000
Connects to a Universal Messaging server at nsp://localhost:9000 and creates a connection
factory named 'factory0' that uses the nsp://SomeFQDN:9000 connection URL.

Required arguments:

rname :
The URL of the Universal Messaging server on which to create the connection factory.
The -rname is used as a connection factory URL unless the -connectionurl parameter is specified.

factoryname :
Name of the connection factory to create.

Optional parameters:

connectionurl :
The URL that the connection factory uses to connect to the JMS provider.
If -connectionurl is not specified, the connection factory uses the URL specified
in the -rname argument.

factorytype :
Connection factory type to be created. The default is ConnectionFactory,
if no parameter is passed.
Values are:
-factorytype=default (Creates a ConnectionFactory)
-factorytype=queue (Creates a QueueConnectionFactory)
-factorytype=topic (Creates a TopicConnectionFactory)
-factorytype=xa (Creates an XAConnectionFactory)

contextfactory :
The name of the ContextFactory class to use.
Default: com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory

autocreateresource :
Creates resources on the server when performing a lookup
on a queue or channel.

synctopicacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the topic acknowledgements
are sent synchronously.

syncqueueacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the queue acknowledgements
are sent synchronously.

writehandler :
Specifies for a specific connection the write handler type to use.
Ignored unless between 1-4.

adapterbuffer :
Specifies for a specific connection the adapter send / receive buffer size.
If the value is 0 or less it is ignored .

syncnamedtopicacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the durable topic
acknowledgements will be sent synchronously.

permittedkeepalivesmissed :
Set the number of keep server keep alives the client is allowed to miss
before detecting a network issue and terminating the connection.

connectiontimeout :
Set the timeout used for connection / reconnection to realms.
If the connection fails to establish within this time-frame it will fail.

disconnectafterclusterfailure :
If connected to a cluster of realms, and cluster quorum is lost,
this flag determines whether the client will be disconnected.

usejmsengine :
JMS engine ensures no events are available for topic replay
unless durable subscriptions are being used. Non JMS engine fanout enables
events to be stored even after events are delivered. Default is true.

reconnectinterval :
If a client is disconnected, and Immediate Reconnect is set to true,
this value represents the interval between reconnect attempts.

immediatereconnect :
If a client is disconnected, this flag will indicate whether the client
will immediately reconnect and attempt to reconnect as fast as possible,
rather than rely on a back off period.

autoreconnectafteracl :
If a client is disconnected because of a security change, this flag
will indicate whether the automatic session reconnection logic will kick in.

threadpoolsize :
Gets the maximum number of threads used by the client for delivery of
all messages to listeners.

redeliveredsize :
Specifies the maximum number of messages that the client will keep
reference to if they are marked as redelivered.

unackedsize :
The client will keep a list of messages that have not been
acknowledged. This value sets the maximum size of this list.

useinfinitewindowsize :
When set to true, the consumer can consume as many events as required
before committing.

windowsize :
When asynchronously consuming messages from the server, they will be
delivered in batches (windows). This property sets the size of that window.

autoackcount :
With AUTO acknowledgement mode, in order to improve performance,
the acknowledgement of messages can be batched so that not every message
consumed results in communication with the server. This value determines
how many events can be consumed before an acknowledgement is sent to the

globalstorecapacity :
Each topic or queue store can have a maximum number of messages that
can exist before no more messages are allowed to be published.

synctime :
When file sync is set, you can buffer the sync calls into batches
in order to prevent the underlying system from being overloaded during
busy periods. This value specifies the maximum time in milliseconds between
sync calls. The smaller the value, the more frequent the sync will be
called on the physical file system.

syncbatchsize :
When file sync is set, you can buffer the sync calls into batches
in order to prevent the underlying system from being overloaded
during busy periods. This value specifies the number of messages in
each batch. The smaller the value, the more frequent the sync will
be called on the physical file system.

initialconnectionretrycount :
When a connection is first established, the default number of
connection attempts is 2. This allows this value to be overridden.

syncsendpersistent :
For each persistent message written to the server, ensure the send
is a synchronous call.

syncwritestodisc :
For each persistent message written to the server, perform a
file system sync to ensure the OS has written the data.

enabledurablepriority :
If enabled, durable subscriptions of the same name can exist on
the same topic, but only the first in will consume the events for
that subscription.

enablesinglequeueack :
If enabled, message acknowledgements on a queue consumer will
only acknowledge that specific message rather than all messages
consumed prior to that message, on that queue.

enablesingleshareddurableack :
If enabled, message acknowledgements on a shared durable consumer
will only acknowledge that specific message rather than all messages
consumed prior to that message, on that shared durable.

enableshareddurable :
If enabled, durable subscriptions of the same name can exist on
the same topic, and events will be distributed in a round robin
fashion to each subscriber using that name (i.e. once and once only per
durable name).

maxreconnectattempts :
When getConxExceptionOnFailure() is enabled, this value is used to
prevent the disconnection exceptions being thrown via the
ExceptionListener on the JMS Connection. The default value is -1, which
represents infinite retries.

conxexceptiononretryfailure :
When enabled, any disconnections from the JMS Connection will not result
in an Exception being generated through the ExceptionListener.
An exception will only be thrown to the ExceptionListener when the
getMaxReconAttempts() value is reached.

retrycommit :
Determines whether the commit call to a transacted session will
retry if any exceptions are detected, rather than simply throw an exception.

randomrnames :
Allows the list of RNAME urls to be randomised to provide simple load
balancing across a list of servers.

enablemultiplexedconnections :
Support the use of a shared physical connection by multiple sessions
when the same topic or queue is used by multiple receivers.

durabletype :
Type of the new Durable:
N - Named
S - Shared
Serial - Serial

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Creates a JMS queue with the specified name on the specified realm.

runUMTool CreateJMSQueue -rname=<rname>
-queuename=<queuename> [optional_args]

CreateJMSQueue -rname=nsp://localhost:8080

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the queue will be connected.

queuename :
Name of the queue to be created.

Optional Parameters:

maxevents :
Capacity of the new store (default 0).

synceachwrite :
Whether each write to the store will also call sync on the
file system to ensure all data is written to disk.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Creates a JMS topic with the specified name on the specified realm.

runUMTool CreateJMSTopic -rname=<rname>
-channelname=<channelname> [optional_args]

CreateJMSTopic -rname=nsp://localhost:8080

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the channel will be connected.

channelname :
Name of the channel to be created.

Optional Parameters:

maxevents :
Capacity of the new store.
The default value is 0.

synceachwrite :
Whether each write to the store will also call sync on the
file system to ensure all data is written to disk.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Deletes a JMS connection factory with the specified server.

runUMTool DeleteConnectionFactory -rname=<rname>
-factoryname=<factoryname> [optional_args]

DeleteConnectionFactory -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -factoryname=factory0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the ConnectionFactory is attached.

factoryname :
Name of the connection factory to deleted.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Deletes a JMS topic with the specified name on the specified context.

runUMTool DeleteJMSTopic -rname=<rname>
-channelname=<channelname> [optional_args]


DeleteJMSTopic -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -channelname=channel0

DeleteJMSTopic -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -channelname=channel0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the session to which the channel will be connected.

channelname :
Name of the channel to be unbind.

Optional Parameters:

deletestore :
True if store to be deleted.
Default value is false.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Delete a JMS queue with the specified name on the specified context.

runUMTool DeleteJMSQueue -rname=<rname>
-queuename=<queuename> [optional_args]


DeleteJMSQueue -rname=nhp://localhost:9000 -queuename=queue0

DeleteJMSQueue -rname=nhp://localhost:9000 -queuename=queue0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the session to which the queue will be connected.

queuename :
Name of the queue to be deleted.

Optional Parameters:

deletestore :
True if store to be deleted.
Default value is false.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Publishes one or more messages to a JMS queue or topic.

runUMTool JMSPublish -rname=<rname> -connectionfactory=<connectionfactory>
-destination=<destination> [optional_args]

JMSPublish -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -connectionfactory=factory
-destination=topic -message=hello

Required arguments:

rname :
Connection URL to the realm where the data group will be created.

connectionfactory :
Name of the connection factory in the Universal Messaging Realm's
JNDI namespace. Must exist.

destination :
Name of the JMS destination (queue or topic). Must exist.

Optional Parameters:

size :
Size of the message to send. Message will be generated. You can't use
-message along with -size.

message :
Message to send. Put the message in quotes if it contains spaces.
You can't use -size along with -message.

count :
How many times to send the message. Default is 1.

transacted :
If the session is transacted. Default is false.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Reads messages arriving to a JMS destination.

runUMTool JMSSubscribe -rname=<rname> -connectionfactory=<connectionfactory>
-destination=<destination> [optional_args]

JMSSubscribe -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -connectionfactory=factory

Required arguments:

rname :
Connection URL to the realm where the data group will be created.

connectionfactory :
Name of the connection factory in the Universal Messaging Realm's
JNDI namespace. Must exist.

destination :
Name of the JMS destination (queue or topic). Must exist.

Optional Parameters:

transacted :
If the session is transacted. Default is false.

selector :
Optional JMS message selector.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Modifies settings of a JMS connection factory on the specified server.

runUMTool ModifyConnectionFactory -rname=<rname>
-factoryname=<factoryname> [optional_args]

ModifyConnectionFactory -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -factoryname=factory0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the ConnectionFactory is attached.

factoryname :
Name of the connection factory to locate.

Optional Parameters:

contextfactory :
The name of the ContextFactory class to use.
Default: com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory

autocreateresource :
If set will create resources on the server when performing a lookup
on a queue or channel.

synctopicacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the topic
acknowledgements will be sent synchronously.

syncqueueacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the queue
acknowledgements will be sent synchronously.

writehandler :
Specifies for a specific connection the write handler type to use.
Ignored unless between 1-4.

adapterbuffer :
Specifies for a specific connection the adapter send / receive
buffer size. If the value is 0 or less it is ignored.

syncnamedtopicacks :
Specifies for a specific connection whether the durable
topic acknowledgements will be sent synchronously.

permittedkeepalivesmissed :
Set the number of keep server keep alives the client is allowed
to miss before detecting a network issue and terminating the connection.

connectiontimeout :
Set the timeout used for connection / reconnection to realms.
If the connection fails to establish within this time-frame it will

disconnectafterclusterfailure :
If connected to a cluster of realms, and cluster quorum is lost,
this flag determines whether the client will be disconnected.

usejmsengine :
JMS engine ensures no events are available for topic replay
unless durable subscriptions are being used. Non JMS engine fanout enables
events to be stored even after events are delivered. Default is true.

reconnectinterval :
If a client is disconnected, and Immediate Reconnect is set to true,
this value represents the interval between reconnect attempts.

immediatereconnect :
If a client is disconnected, this flag will indicate whether the client
will immediately reconnect and attempt to reconnect as fast as possible,
rather than rely on a back off period.

autoreconnectafteracl :
If a client is disconnected because of a security change, this flag
will indicate whether the automatic session reconnection logic will
kick in.

threadpoolsize :
Gets the maximum number of threads used by the client for
delivery of all messages to listeners.

redeliveredsize :
Specifies the maximum number of messages that the client
will keep reference to if they are marked as redelivered.

unackedsize :
The client will keep a list of messages that have not been
acknowledged. This value sets the maximum size of this list.

useinfinitewindowsize :
When set to true, the consumer can consume as many events as required
before committing.

windowsize :
When asynchronously consuming messages from the server, they
will be delivered in batches (windows). This property sets the size of that

autoackcount :
With AUTO acknowledgement mode, in order to improve performance,
the acknowledgement of messages can be batched so that not every message
consumed results in communication with the server. This value determines
how many events can be consumed before an acknowledgement is sent to the

globalstorecapacity :
Each topic or queue store can have a maximum number of messages that
can exist before no more messages are allowed to be published.

synctime :
When file sync is set, you can buffer the sync calls into batches
in order to prevent the underlying system from being overloaded during
busy periods. This value specifies the maximum time in milliseconds between
sync calls. The smaller the value, the more frequent the sync will be
called on the physical file system.

syncbatchsize :
When file sync is set, you can buffer the sync calls into
batches in order to prevent the underlying system from being overloaded
during busy periods. This value specifies the number of messages in each
batch. The smaller the value, the more frequent the sync will be called on
the physical file system.

initialconnectionretrycount :
When a connection is first established, the default number of
connection attempts is 2. This allows this value to be overridden.

syncsendpersistent :
For each persistent message written to the server, ensure the send
is a synchronous call.

syncwritestodisc :
For each persistent message written to the server, perform a file system
sync to ensure the OS has written the data.

enabledurablepriority :
If enabled, durable subscriptions of the same name can exist on the
same topic, but only the first in will consume the events for that subscription.

enablesinglequeueack :
If enabled, message acknowledgements on a queue consumer will only
acknowledge that specific message rather than all messages consumed prior
to that message, on that queue.

enablesingleshareddurableack :
If enabled, message acknowledgements on a shared durable consumer will
only acknowledge that specific message rather than all messages
consumed prior to that message, on that shared durable.

enableshareddurable :
If enabled, durable subscriptions of the same name can
exist on the same topic, and events will be distributed in a round robin
fashion to each subscriber using that name (ie once and once only per
durable name).

maxreconnectattempts :
When getConxExceptionOnFailure() is enabled, this value is used to
prevent the disconnection exceptions being thrown via the
ExceptionListener on the JMS Connection. The default value is -1, which
represents infinite retries.

conxexceptiononretryfailure :
When enabled, any disconnections from the JMS Connection will not
result in an Exception being generated through the ExceptionListener.
An exception will only be thrown to the ExceptionListener when the
getMaxReconAttempts() value is reached.

retrycommit :
Determines whether the commit call to a transacted session will
retry if any exceptions are detected, rather than simply throw an exception.

randomrnames :
Allows the list of RNAME urls to be randomised to provide simple
load balancing across a list of servers.

enablemultiplexedconnections :
Support the use of a shared physical connection by multiple sessions
when the same topic or queue is used by multiple receivers.

durabletype :
Type of the new Durable:
N - Named
S - Shared
Serial - Serial

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Views settings of a JMS connection factory on the specified server.

runUMTool ViewConnectionFactory -rname=<rname>
-factoryname=<factoryname> [optional_args]

ViewConnectionFactory -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -factoryname=factory0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the ConnectionFactory is attached.

factoryname :
Name of the connection factory to locate.

Optional Parameters:

contextfactory :
The name of the ContextFactory class to use.
Default: com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.