Universal Messaging 10.15 | Administration Guide | Monitoring Universal Messaging Using Prometheus | Connect with Prometheus
Connect with Prometheus
Consider the following prerequisites for connecting the JMX Exporter agent of a Universal Messaging server instance with Prometheus:
*In a non-containerized environment, you have enabled the JMX Exporter agent jmx_sag_um_exporter.yaml.
*You have installed a runnable version of Prometheus and have access to the configuration file prometheus.yaml in that environment.
*To connect the JMX Exporter agent with Prometheus
1. Open the prometheus.yaml configuration file in a text editor.
2. Under the scrape_configs section, add the address of the running JMX Exporter.
Here is an example of how the job_name section should look. The example assumes that Prometheus is installed on the same machine as the Universal Messaging server.
- job_name: 'um_realm'
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: []
3. Restart Prometheus.
4. Open a browser and navigate to the Prometheus address. The default address is http://localhost:9090/.
5. From the navigation bar, go to Status > Targets.
You should see the new endpoint with job name "um_realm" as in the above example. The state of the job should be Active.