Universal Messaging 10.15 | Concepts | Performance, Scalability and Resilience | Performance Tuning | Tuning the Linux Operating System | Disabling Processor Power Saving States
Disabling Processor Power Saving States
Many new processors have mechanisms which allow them to dynamically turn individual cores on and off to save power. These mechanisms may sometimes degrade processor and memory performance. In applications that require consistent low latency performance it is recommended to disable this feature.
Many processors manage this by using the cpuspeed service. This service can be disabled, which on many machines and architectures will turn this functionality off.
service cpuspeed stop
Some processors however will require further work to disable power saving states. Whether or not your processor will require extra configuration and what those configuration steps are vary from processor to processor. Many Intel processors for example may require the following command to be appended to the boot options of your operating system
As mentioned above however, this will not be necessary for all processors. Consult with your processor specific documentation for information on disabling power saving states.