Universal Messaging 10.15 | Developer Guide | Enterprise APIs | Enterprise Developer's Guide for Java | Code Examples | Provider for JMS | Java Client: JMS BytesMessage Publisher
Java Client: JMS BytesMessage Publisher
This example uses Universal Messaging Provider for JMS to publish Bytes Messages to a JMS Topic.
jmsbytespub <factoryname> <topicName> <count> <transacted>

<Required Arguments>

<factoryname> - JMS Factory (Must exist in target realm).
If you are using AMQP, this argument is ignored
but it is still required.
<topicName> - JMS Topic to publish on.
When using AMQP, this should be in the
format topic.<topicName>
<count> - Number of events to publish
<transacted> - Whether the session is transacted

Note: -? provides help on environment variables
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