Universal Messaging 10.15 | Developer Guide | Enterprise APIs | Enterprise Developer's Guide for Java | Code Examples | Channel / Queue / Realm Management | Java Client: Creating a Queue
Java Client: Creating a Queue
This example demonstrates how to create a Universal Messaging queue programmatically.
nmakeq <queue name> [time to live] [capacity] [type] [cluster wide]

<Required Arguments>

<queue name> - Queue name parameter for the queue to be created

[Optional Arguments]

[time to live] - The Time To Live parameter for the new queue (default: 0)
[capacity] - The Capacity parameter for the new queue (default: 0)
[type] - The type parameter for the new queue (default: S)
R - For a reliable (stored in memory) queue with persistent eids
P - For a persistent (stored on disk) queue
M - For a Mixed (allows both memory and persistent events) queue

[cluster wide] - Whether the queue is cluster wide. Will only work if the
realm is part of a cluster

Note: -? provides help on environment variables
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