Universal Messaging 10.15 | Administration Guide | Using Nginx with Universal Messaging | Forward Requests Based on URL Matches
Forward Requests Based on URL Matches
The Nginx location directive in the ngnix.conf file enables you to route requests to a location in the file system.
While Nginx matches or searches a location block against the requested URL, the location directive tells Nginx where to search for a specific path by including all files and directories.
The location directive has the following syntax:
location [modifier] [URL-match] {
For more information about how to use regular expressions (regex) to forward requests to specific locations, see https://www.nginx.com/blog/regular-expression-tester-nginx/.
The following example shows how to redirect requests to specific Universal Messaging servers by using regex:
server {
listen 80;
server_name proxy_server;

location / {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;

#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umhost:port;

location /umserver1/ {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;

#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umserver1host:port;

location = /umserver2 {
#Important: Nginx must continuously send data to Universal Messaging clients
#rather than buffering it.
proxy_buffering off;

#Important: Configure proxy http 1.1 protocol version to enable the connection
#keepalive and rewrite the Connection header.
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_pass http://umserver2host:port;
In the example, traffic is redirected as follows:
*location /umserver1/ - requests that start with umserver1 are redirected to http://umserver1host:port.
*location = /umserver2 - requests that match the umserver2 block are redirected to http://umserver2host:port.
*Requests that do not match location /umserver1/ or location = /umserver2 are served by the default location directive.
Client Code Example
public void createSessionAndCreateChannel(String arg) throws Exception {

// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/ without any endpoint is redirected to
// http://umhost:port; in the code sample above.

nSessionAttributes defaultAttr = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/”);
nSession defautServerSession= nSessionFactory.create(defaultAttr);
nChannel chan = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“defaultServerChannel”));

// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/umserver1 without any endpoint is
// redirected to http://umserver1host:port; in the code sample above.

nSessionAttributes attr1 = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/umserver1”);
nSession session1 = nSessionFactory.create(attr1);
nChannel chan1 = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“umserver1Channel”));

// The request initiated with nhp://localhost:80/umserver2 without any endpoint is
// redirected to http://umserver2host:port; in the code sample above.

nSessionAttributes attr2 = new nSessionAttributes(“nhp://locahost:80/umserver2”);
nSession session2 = nSessionFactory.create(attr2);
nChannel chan2 = session.createChannel(new nChannelAttributes(“umserver2Channel”));