Universal Messaging 10.15 | Administration Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Using the Command Line to Manage Universal Messaging | User Configuration | Create Users
Create Users
Creates new users in the user repository of a Universal Messaging server instance.
sagcc create configuration data nodeAlias Universal-Messaging-instanceName
COMMON-LOCAL-USERS {--input|-i} file.xml
Arguments and Options
Required. The alias name of the installation in which the Universal Messaging server instance is installed.
Required. The ID of the Universal Messaging server instance on which you want to create a user.
Required. The ID of the configuration type of which you want to create an instance.
{--input|-i} file.xml
Required. The absolute path to the XML file that contains the user ID and password.
Usage Notes
Information to authenticate the users of a Universal Messaging server instance is stored in the user repository (users.txt file) of the Universal Messaging server instance. The users.txt file is generated only after you create an internal user. While creating the user repository, if you specify a relative path in the jaas.conf file, the users.txt file is created in a directory relative to the bin directory of the Universal Messaging server instance.
The path to the users.txt file is added to the jaas.conf file in the Software AG_directory /UniversalMessaging/server/instanceName/bin directory. If you specify a relative path in the jaas.conf file, the users.txt is created in a directory relative to the bin directory of the Universal Messaging server instance.
To create a user with ID "user2" on the server instance with ID "Universal-Messaging-umserver" that is installed in the installation with alias name "sag01", using the "user2.xml" file that contains the user ID and password:
sagcc create configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver   
COMMON-LOCAL-USERS --input c:\inputxmls\user2.xml
The user2.xml file has the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>   
<User id="user2">   