Universal Messaging 10.15 | Operations Guide | Running, Administering, and Monitoring Universal Messaging Containers | Monitoring Universal Messaging Containers | Checking Universal Messaging Container Health
Checking Universal Messaging Container Health
You can check the health of a Universal Messaging server container, or liveness and readiness, at the following endpoint:
where port is the port number to which the container port is mapped. Health monitoring is enabled by default.
The health endpoint does not require authentication and is open to http requests even when the Universal Messaging server is configured for mandatory authentication.
The health endpoint returns the following responses:
*200 - the health of the server is OK.
*404 - invalid service URL.
*503 - the server is unavailable, health is not OK.
The health gauge starts checking for readiness and liveness two minutes after Universal Messaging starts, probing the server every 15 seconds. The timeout for the result is 30 seconds.
In addition, you can perform the following checks at the health endpoint:
*/health/isMaster - checks if the current node is the master in an active/active cluster.
*/health/getClusterState - obtains the state of a cluster.