Universal Messaging 10.15 | Developer Guide | Enterprise APIs | Enterprise Developer's Guide for Java | Publish / Subscribe Using Channels/Topics
Publish / Subscribe Using Channels/Topics
Creating a Channel
Finding a Channel
Publishing events to a Channel
Publishing Protobuf Events to a Channel
Asynchronous Subscriber
Channel Iterator
Batched Subscribe
Batched Find
Using Durable Subscriptions
The Merge Engine and Event Deltas
Using Priority Messaging
Publish / Subscribe is one of several messaging paradigms available in Universal Messaging. Universal Messaging Channels are a logical rendezvous point for publishers (producers) and subscribers (consumers) or data (events).
Universal Messaging Channels equate to Topics if you are using the Universal Messaging Provider for JMS.
Under the publish / subscribe paradigm, each event is delivered to each subscriber once and only once per subscription, and is not typically removed from the channel as a result of the message being consumed by an individual client.
This section demonstrates how Universal Messaging pub / sub works in Java.