Universal Messaging 10.15 | Concepts | Security | Authentication | Directory Backend (Deprecated) | Internal User Repository
Internal User Repository
If the Nirvana.directory.provider system property is set to com.pcbsys.foundation.security.auth.fSAGInternalUserRepositoryAdapter, then usernames will be looked up in a standard Software AG store called the 'Internal User Repository', which is a flat file maintained by the SAG command-line utility internaluserrepo.bat (Windows platforms) or internaluserrepo.sh (UNIX platforms), located in <InstallDir>/common/bin.
This mechanism is the default user repository if the Nirvana.directory.provider property is not set.
The location of the file containing the user repository is given by the system property, Nirvana.auth.sagrepo.path, and would default to ./users.txt (relative to the runtime directory of the UM server), but the Server_Common.conf file shipped with UM overrides this as ../users.txt, locating it in the same <InstallDir>/UniversalMessaging/server/<InstanceName> directory as the licence.xml file. The Server_Common.conf file may of course be edited as usual to move the users.txt file into a location that is shared by all the realms of an installed UM instance.
For related information in this respect, see Server JAAS Authentication with Software AG Security Infrastructure.