Universal Messaging 10.11 | Release Notes | What's New in Universal Messaging 10.11 | Removed Features | Removed APIs
Removed APIs
The following Universal Messaging APIs, classes, and methods have been removed in Universal Messaging 10.11:
*Python client API
*XML document type APIs
The following Java client APIs have been removed:
nConsumeEvent#nConsumeEvent(String tag, byte[] data, boolean dom)
nConsumeEvent#nConsumeEvent(String tag, Document adom)
nConsumeEvent#nConsumeEvent(nEventProperties properties, Document adom)

nConsumeEventFactory#create(String tag, byte[] data, boolean isDom,
long TTL, boolean isPersistent)
nConsumeEventFactory#create(nEventProperties props, Document dom, long TTL,
boolean isPersistent)
nConsumeEventFactory#create(String tag, Document dom, long TTL, boolean isPersistent)

nChannel#publish(String tag, Document adom)
nChannel#publish(String tag, Document adom, nMessageSigner signer)
nQueue#push(String tag, Document adom)
nQueue#push(String tag, Document adom, nMessageSigner signer)
nTransaction#publish(String tag, Document adom)
The sample applications XMLPublish and XMLSubscribe have also been removed.
Additionally, support for XML has been discontinued from the REST plugin.
*APIs related to the Scheduler functionality
The following administration APIs in Java, and the respective APIs in C#, have been removed:
nAdminSession.addScheduler(String source, String subject, boolean isClusterWide)
nAdminSession.delScheduler(String name, boolean cluster)
nSchedulerConfiguration nAdminSession.getSchedulerConfig()
nSchedulerConfiguration class

nSchedulerManager nRealmNode.getSchedulerManager()
nSchedulerManager class
nScheduler class
nRealmNode.delSchedulerNode(final nScheduler node)
*Client-side DisconnectOnClusterFailure control flag
The client-side DisconnectOnClusterFailure control flag and the following client APIs that use it have been removed. Now all non-administrative client applications are disconnected on cluster failure.
The following Java APIs under com.pcbsys.nirvana.client have been removed:
nSession#init(boolean disconnectIfClusterFails)
nSession#init(boolean disconnectIfClusterFails, nDataStreamListener streamListener)
nSessionAttributes#setDisconnectOnClusterFailure(boolean disconnectOnClusterFailure)
The following C# APIs have been removed:
nSession#init(bool fails)
nSession#init(bool fails, nDataStreamListener streamListener)
*Client APIs related to the removal of support for local stores in a cluster
The following Java APIs have been removed:
nDurableAttributes#setClustered(boolean clustered)
The following C# APIs have been removed:
nDurableAttributes#setClustered(bool clustered)
The following C++ APIs have been removed:
nChannel#createNamedObject(const std::string& name, longlong startEID,
bool persistent, bool clusterWide)
nChannel#createNamedObject(const std::string& name, bool persistent, bool clusterWide)
*Persistent flag for durables and the related nDurableAttributes.setPersistent and isPersistent methods
Now the persistent flag for durables is implicitly set by the API depending on whether the channel on which the durable exists supports persistence. Currently channels of type Mixed and Persistent support persistence. For these channel types, the flag is implicitly set to true, while for all other channel types the flag defaults to false.
The following Java APIs, and the respective C# and C++ APIs, have been removed:
nDurableAttributes.setPersistent(boolean persistent)
In addition, the persistent parameter has been removed from the following command-line administration tools:
*Multiplex sessions in C# and C++ client APIs
The following C# APIs have been removed:
nSession nSessionFactory.createMultiplexed(nSession session,
NetworkCredential newCreds = null)
The following C++ APIs have been removed:
nSession* createMultiplexed(nSession *pSession);
nSession* createMultiplexed(nSessionAttributes *sessionAttributes);
nSession* createMultiplexed(nSessionAttributes *sessionAttributes, std::string userName);
*Message signer APIs
The following Java APIs, and the respective APIs in C# and C++, have been removed:
nChannel.publish(String tag, Document adom, nMessageSigner signer)
nChannel.publish(nConsumeEvent e, nMessageSigner signer)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, nDurable durable, String selector,
nMessageValidator validator,boolean AutoAck)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, nDurable durable, String selector,
nMessageValidator validator,int windowSize)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, nMessageValidator validator)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, long eid, nMessageValidator validator)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, String selector, nMessageValidator validator)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, String selector, long eid,
nMessageValidator validator)
nChannel.addSubscriber(nSignedEventListener nel, nDurable name, String selector,
nMessageValidator validator, boolean AutoAck, int windowSize)

nQueue.createFragmentReader(final nQueueReaderContext context)
nQueue.createTransactionalFragmentReader(final nQueueReaderContext context)
nQueue.push(String tag, Document adom, nMessageSigner signer)
nQueue.push(final nConsumeEvent e, final nMessageSigner signer)

nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator)
nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator,
final int windowSize)
nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator,
final String selector)
nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator,
final String selector, final int windowSize)
nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator,
final String selector, final int windowSize, boolean maintainPriority)
nQueueReaderContext(final nSignedEventListener aListener, final nMessageValidator aValidator,
final String selector, final int windowSize, boolean maintainPriority, long timeout)
nQueueReaderContext.setValidator(final nMessageValidator validator)

nTransactionAttributes(nAbstractChannel aChannel, long aTimeToLive,
nMessageSigner signer)
nTransactionAttributes(nAbstractChannel aChannel, long aTimeToLive,
nMessageSigner signer, long timeout)

byte[] nConsumeEvent.sign(nMessageSigner signer)
Object nConsumeEvent.validate(nMessageValidator validator)
nCertificateSigner class
nCertificateValidator class
nMessageSigner class
nPassphraseSigner class
nMessageValidator class
nPassphraseValidator class
nSignedEventListener class
*Compressed APIs
The following Java API classes, and the respective C# and C++ API classes, have been removed:
The PublishCompressed and SubscribeCompressed command-line tools have also been removed.
*APIs related to the fanout archive functionality
The following Java APIs, and the respective C# and C++ APIs, have been removed:
nChannelAttributes.setFanoutArchiveTarget(String name)
nStoreProperties.setFanoutArchiveTarget(String name)
In addition, the fanoutarchivetarget parameter has been removed from the following command-line tools:
*com.pcbsys.nirvana.nJMS.roundRobin package