BigMemory 4.4.0 | Upgrade and Migration Guide | Upgrading from 4.1/4.2 to 4.3 | Summary of Changes from 4.1/4.2 to 4.3
Summary of Changes from 4.1/4.2 to 4.3
Changes from 4.2 to 4.3
Area of Change
Change from 4.2 to 4.3
Terracotta Management Console (TMC)
The TMC now provides a "WAN" tab. This enables you to monitor information about the following aspects of the WAN Replication Service:
*Your WAN's topology and configuration.
*Each WAN-enabled cache, including performance statistics and details of their deployment, such as the orchestrator topology, configuration, and status.
Software AG has removed from distribution the WAN Replication Service/Module with the 4.3.10 release.
Changes from 4.1 to 4.2
Area of Change
Change from 4.1 to 4.2
BigMemory Hybrid
Ability to auto tune BigMemory Hybrid to maximize performance.
BigMemory Max
Terracotta Server Array
New port dedicated to TMC - A new section, /tc:tc-config/servers/server/management-port, has been added to the Terracotta configuration file. This section specifies the port used by the Terracotta Management Console (TMC) (port 9540, by default). Prior to 4.2, the TMC used the ports specified in /tc:tc-config/servers/server/tsa-port (port 9510 by default) and /tc:tc-config/servers/server/tsa-group-port (port 9530 by default). Now the TMC uses only the port specified in /tc:tc-config/servers/server/management-port.
Terracotta Server Array
JMX port disabled - In the Terracotta configuration file, the section /tc:tc-config/servers/server/jmx-port is now disabled by default. To enable it, change the value of jmx-enabled= from false to true in the Terracotta configuration file, tc-config.xml. This section is used to specify the port that the Terracotta server's JMX Connector listens to. The default value of jmx-port is still 9520. If tsa-port is set, this port defaults to the value of the tsa-port plus 10.
Terracotta Server Array
Property deprecated - The l1.max.connect.retries property is deprecated. Now, a client is given an unlimited number of attempts to connect.