BigMemory 4.3.10 | FAQ | Environment and Interoperability Questions
Environment and Interoperability Questions
Where is there information on platform compatibility for my version of Terracotta software?
Information on the latest releases of Terracotta products, including a link to the latest platform support, is found on the Release and Platform Compatibility Information page. This page also contains a table with links to information on previous releases.
Can I run the Terracotta process as a Microsoft Windows service?
Yes. See "Starting the Terracotta Server as a Windows Service" in the Terracotta Server Array product documentation.
Do you have any advice for running Terracotta software on Ubuntu?
The known issues when trying to run Terracotta software on Ubuntu are:
*Default shell is dashbash. Terracotta scripts don't behave under dash. You might solve this issue by setting your default shell to bash or changing /bin/sh in our scripts to /bin/bash.
*The Ubuntu default JDK is from GNU. Terracotta software compatibility information is on the Release and Platform Compatibility Information page.
*See the FAQ about UnknownHostException in the FAQ section about Specific Errors and Warnings.
Which Garbage Collector should I use with the Terracotta Server (L2) process?
The Terracotta Server performs best with the default garbage collector. This is pre-configured in the startup scripts. If you believe that Java GC is causing performance degradation in the Terracotta Server, the simplest and best way to reduce latencies by reducing collection times is to store more data in BigMemory Max.
Generally, the use of the Concurrent Mark Sweep collector (CMS) is discouraged as it is known to cause heap fragmentation for certain application-data usage patterns. Expert developers considering use of CMS should consult the Oracle tuning and best-practice documentation.
Does Terracotta clustering work with Hibernate?
Through Ehcache, you can enable and cluster Hibernate second-level caches. For more information, see the Integrations book in the Ehcache product documentation.
What other technologies does Terracotta software work with?
Terracotta software integrates with most popular Java technologies being used today. For a full list, contact us.