Prometheus Metric Name | Metric Description |
sag_bm_server_expiration_rate | Expiration rate |
sag_bm_server_live_object_count | Number of instances maintained by the Terracotta Server |
sag_bm_server_offheap_used_size_bytes | Off-Heap used size |
sag_bm_server_read_operation_rate | The rate of reading operations (per second) |
sag_bm_server_write_operation_rate | The rate of writing operations (per second) |
sag_bm_server_storage_disk_used_bytes | Disk size used by Terracotta Server instance |
Server Metric Label | Label Description |
server_name | Name of the server (can be found as an attribute of the <server> tag in tc-config.xml file) |
cluster_name | Name of the connection set by the user in the TMC web application |