Product Documentation : Big Memory Max Administrator Guide : Terracotta Configuration Parameters : The Servers Parameters : /tc:tc-config/servers/server/jmx-port
Listening on the "jmx-port" is deprecated. Alternatively, use the monitoring features provided by the Terracotta Management Console (see the Terracotta Management Console User Guide) and the WAN Replication Service (see the WAN Replication User Guide).
"jmx-port" is disabled by default. To enable it, add jmx-enabled="true" to the <server host> sections of tc-config.xml. For example:
<server host="localhost" name="My Server Name1" jmx-enabled="true">
This section lets you set the port that the Terracotta server's JMX Connector listens to.
The default value of "jmx-port" is 9520. If tsa-port was set to a value other than the default 9510, this port defaulted to the value of the tsa-port plus 10.
Here is a sample configuration snippet:
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