Terracotta 10.7 | Terracotta Installation Guide | Installing using the Native Kit
Installing using the Native Kit
This document describes how to install your licensed Terracotta software using a native installation procedure. This procedure is an alternative to using the Software AG Installer, which is described in the previous section.
Depending on the license you have purchased, the installed kit will allow you to use either the full Terracotta functionality or the Terracotta Ehcache functionality.
Performing the Installation
The product distribution kit is provided as an archive file containing Jar files, command line scripts and other associated files.
The installation procedure just consists of downloading the archive file from Software AG's Software Download Center (SDC) and expanding the archive file to a suitable disk location in your working environment.
When you order the product, you receive credentials from Software AG that allow you to access the SDC. Within the SDC, navigate to "Home > Products & Documentation > Download Products > Software Download Center", and select the entry for your ordered product to download the archive file.
After you have expanded the archive to a disk location in your working environment, the root folder of the expanded archive contains a Readme.txt file that summarizes the contents of the kit. We suggest that you read through the Readme.txt file to familiarize yourself with the contents of the kit.
In some cases, as noted below, you need to add components from the expanded archive to your classpath.
Deploying Terracotta components in the user application (Native Kit)
The expanded archive contains the following Jar files:
1. client/lib/terracotta-common-client-<version>.jar
2. client/ehcache/terracotta-ehcache-client-<version>.jar
3. client/store/terracotta-store-client-<version>.jar
4. client/logging/slf4j-api-<version>.jar
In order to use Terracotta components in your application, you need to add these Jar files to your application classpath.
The Jar file in client/logging is the logging abstraction that Terracotta uses, and it requires a concrete implementation to offer logging. By default the native kit bundles logback in client/logging/impl, but you are free to choose any supported implementation. See the Simple Logging Facility for Java (SLF4J) pages at https://www.slf4j.org/ for related information.