Terracotta 10.11 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | SSL / TLS Security Configuration in Terracotta | LDAP Properties
LDAP Properties
The minimum set of properties to specify is:
If you are using LDAP for authorization, you must also specify:
and, if you set memberinfoingroups to true, you must also specify:
Most other properties need only be used if you have specific requirements.
Connection related properties
url - The URL of the LDAP server (e.g ldap://ldapserver:389 or ldaps://ldapserver:636).
keystoreUrl - The URL from which a keystore can be retrieved (e.g. file:///usr/local/ldap/keystore.jks) - used to authenticate to the LDAP server.
keystoreType - The store type of the keystore (e.g. JKS).
keystorePassword - The password to verify the integrity of the keystore.
keyAlias - The alias in the keystore where the certificate and key are stored.
keyPassword - The password to allow access to the specified alias. Defaults to store password.
truststoreUrl - The URL from which a truststore can be retrieved. Used to to validate the certificate presented by the LDAP server during an SSL/TLS handshake.
truststoreType - The store type of the truststore (e.g. JKS).
truststorePassword - The password to verify the integrity of the truststore.
noPrinIsAnonymous - Set to true for LDAP servers that allow anonymous connections.
prin - The username to use to authenticate to the LDAP server.
cred - The password to use to authenticate to the LDAP server.
If prin and cred are not specified and noPrinIsAnonymous is not set to true, then the username and password of the user attempting to authenticate to the cluster / TMS will be used to authenticate to the LDAP server.
watt.server.ldap.ignore.serverCertificateValidity - If true, then invalid certificates presented by the LDAP server are ignored.
watt.server.ldap.extendedProps - Extra properties to add to the LDAP context. Format: key1=value1;key2=value2
watt.server.ldap.retryCount - How many times to retry a connection if it fails.
watt.server.ldap.retryWait - How many milliseconds to wait between connection retries.
Properties related to how to interact with the LDAP server
timeout - LDAP query timeout in milliseconds.
watt.server.ldap.DNescapeChars - A list of characters that should be escaped.
watt.server.ldap.DNescapePairs - A list of characters that should not be re-escaped.
watt.server.ldap.DNstripQuotes - If false, then quotes that get added when escaping are not striped from DNs.
watt.server.ldap.DNescapeURL - If true, then the start of a DN is escaped. This is useful for referrals when DNs can start with a URL.
watt.server.jndi.searchresult.maxlimit - The maximum number of results to return from an LDAP search. Zero means unlimited.
Properties related to the schema of a user
userrootdn - The DN under which users can be found (e.g. ou=People,dc=example,dc=com).
uidprop - The attribute on a user which contains the primary ID of the user (e.g. uid).
personobjclass - The LDAP schema class for users (e.g. person).
useaf - If true, then the dnprefix and dnsuffix properties should be used.
dnprefix - A string added to the beginning of a username for the LDAP lookup.
dnsuffix - A string added to the end of a username for the LDAP lookup.
Properties related to the schema of a group
grouprootdn - The DN under which groups can be found (e.g. ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com).
gidprop - The attribute on a group which contains the primary ID of the group (e.g. gid).
groupobjclass - The LDAP schema class for groups (e.g. group).
Properties related to how the schema connects users and groups
group - A role automatically given to every user.
memberinfoingroups - If true, then group membership is in the group definitions under the grouprootdn. If false, then group membership is in the user definitions under the userrootdn.
mattr - The attribute on a user that specifies a group to which the user belongs OR the attribute on a group that specifies a user is a member. The semantics depends on the choice of memberinfoingroups.
recursiveSearchDepth - How deep to search for groups that are members of other groups.
Properties that Terracotta supports in addition to other Software AG products
tcdb.roleMap - A mapping from group names on the LDAP server to roles used in Terracotta. Format: group1=tcdbRole1;group2=tcdbRole2
Multiple LDAP groups can map to the same role.