Mashups in EMML : Writing Mashups in EMML : Controlling Mashup Processing Flow : <while> : <while> Example
<while> Example
You must specify the condition that must be true for the <while> loop to process. Then add statements, as needed, within <while>. For example:
<variable name="orders" type="document"/>
<variable name="subtotal" type="number"/>
<variable name="taxes" type="document"/>
<foreach variable="order" items="$orders//invoice">
<while condition="$order/item/tax > 0">
<appendresult outputvariable="$taxes">
You can also set the condition to always be true and then explicitly break out of the loop. For an example, see the <break> statement.
Working Samples
The WhileSample (while.emml) sample mashup use the <while> statement. See Mashup Samples for a list of Presto mashup samples and where to find them.
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