Presto Administration : Getting Started with the Presto Server : What is Installed with Presto
What is Installed with Presto
Presto Installation Folders
Presto initially installs these WAR files:
Server and/or Application
Presto Server, Presto Hub and AppDepot
Integrated MashZone Server
Event Service
ibo.war and ibo-config.war
IBO user interface
You must download some Presto Add-Ons separately. See Add-ons, Updates, Forums and Technical Support for more information.
Presto also installs the following additional software:
*Apache's TomEE Plus Servlet Container, version 7.0.47
*Derby Database, version
The Presto Repository and MashZone Repository are initially installed in a Derby database suitable only for trial purposes. For proof-of-concept, development or production uses, move both these repositories to a robust and compatible solution. See Move the Presto and MashZone Repositories to a Robust Database Solution for details.
Finally, Presto includes installation packages for built-in apps and dashboards that you can choose to import to make them available to users. This can include:
*The PPM Chart custom app to allow users to easily pull charts from PPM into workspace apps (dashboards).
*Workspace apps (dashboards) for business process monitoring from Optimize.
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