Presto Development and APIs : Presto APIs : Presto Headers/Parameters : Presto Response Headers
Presto Response Headers
Presto returns some information in response headers, typically when requested by headers in the request.
The REST URL that corresponds to the request that generated this response. This URL invokes the same mashable or mashup, with any relevant input parameters or Presto headers. By default, this URL does not include user credentials unless specifically requested with an optional Presto header in the request.
Only applicable to responses using JUMP.
An object containing headers returned by the mashable, such as SOAP headers.
The ID of the snapshot that was created from this request. See Take or Delete Snapshot Methods for more information.
The pagination token that identifies the result set for this response. The Presto Server uses this token to identify which cached results to use when additional pages of results are requested.
All subsequent requests should include this token as a header or parameter.
Indicates that this response has been supplied from the Presto Response Cache.
The total number of items in the cached result set for this pagination token.
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