Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Portals : Managing and Updating Mashups or Apps in Portal Pages : Update the Mashup Layout for Views
Update the Mashup Layout for Views
When you add a mashup to a portal page, all the views that are defined in Presto are shown in a vertical list using the default Stacked layout. You can change this layout if desired:
1. Open preferences for the portlet.
2. Move to the Configure Portlet Settings section.
3. Choose the Layout you want to use:
*Stacked = stack views vertically. This is the default layout.
*Tabbed = show each view in its own tab. Note: this was the only layout available in previous releases.
*Two Column = list views in two columns stacked vertically
*Wide Top Row = list view in two columns stacked vertically, but the first row contains one view that spans both columns.
4. Save your changes.
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