Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Portals : Installing the Presto Add-On for Portals : Update Configuration for the Presto Add-On for Portals
Update Configuration for the Presto Add-On for Portals
Once the Presto Add-On for Portals is registered, there are two places where you may need to update configuration before you start working with the Presto Add-On for Portals:
Connection Information to the Presto Server
The Presto connection configuration for the Presto Add-On for Portals defaults to the local host using the default TomEE port. If you used a different port, you must update the connection configuration to the correct URL.
If your application server fully expands web application WAR files, edit the web.xml configuration file for the Presto Add-On for Portals in web-apps-home/presto-portlets/WEB-INF.
For application servers that do not expand WAR files, you must update configuration properties when you deploy the Presto Add-On for Portals.
Update these <context-param> configuration properties:
*jackbe.presto.server: when your portal has a single, well-known connection to one Presto Server, simply update the default URL in the <param-value> element. This defaults to http://localhost:8080/presto.
If your portal has virtual portals that each connect to a different Presto Server, you can define dynamic connections based on the URL to each virtual portal. With dynamic connections, you enter the static portions of the URL along with tokens indicating those portions that must be supplied dynamically in this property. For example:
The tokens $1 and $2 are replaced by capture groups defined in a regular expression in the jackbe.presto.serverMatchPattern configuration property.
*jackbe.presto.serverMatchPattern: use this context parameter when your portal has several virtual portals that each should connect dynamically to different Presto Servers. In this case, the URL to each Presto Server must be derived dynamically based on the URL to a specific virtual portal.
You define the static portions of each Presto Server URL in the jackbe.presto.server configuration property. You use this property to define a regular expression that defines capture groups for the dynamic portions of the URL.
In the <param-value>, enter the regular expression that should be applied to each virtual portal URL to provide the dynamic values to derive the URL to connect to the appropriate Presto Server. For more information on capture groups in regular expressions, see Capture Groups in Java Patterns documentation.
For example, two virtual portal URLs have host and domains in the form and Using the regular expression ^(\w+)\.(.*)$ results in two tokens: red and for virtual portal 1 and blue and for virtual portal 2.
If you combine this with the static URL and tokens shown previously, this connects virtual portal 1 to and virtual portal 2 to
Save your changes.
Java Memory Allocations for Your Application Server
You may also need to increase the Java memory parameters in startup scripts or other initialization files for the portal. The minimum recommendations are:
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