Additional Information and Support
Additional Information and Support
Samples, Help and Other Documentation
You can find samples, help and other documentation for Presto in:
*Presto Library: documentation is available online from Or, you can download Presto documentation at for offline access.
*Online Help: is accessible in Presto Hub and the AppDepot from ? help buttons. Help is also available in the Presto Add-On for Excel in the toolbar for the add-on.
*Documentation for Other Software AG Products: is available online at with an Empower or from with a Software AG Tech Communities account.
*Presto Mashup and Macro Samples: samples of mashups scripts and macro libraries using the EMML language are available in the Mashup Editor in Presto Hub. Samples for RAQL can be found in the presto-install/prestocli/raql-samples folder.
Version and License Information
You can find version and other system information for Presto in the Admin Console.
For system information:
1. Log in to Presto and click Admin Console.
2. Expand the Server menu section and click Server Info.
3. Select the Platform Information or System Information tabs.
For license information:
1. Log in to Presto and click Admin Console.
2. Expand the Server menu section and click License.
Add-ons, Updates, Forums and Technical Support
Find, Contact or Download
The Presto Add-On for Excel installation package
The Presto Add-On for Portals
Questions and discussion forums
The Presto Add-On for SharePoint
Empower, the Software AG support portal, at
To request an Empower account, send an email with your name, company name and company email address to
For crisis incidents, please call 1-800-525-7859 in the United States. Outside the US, you can find your local access number in the Software AG Global Directory.
Technical support, use the eService features.
Copyright © 2013-2015 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany.

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