Tune MashZone Memory and Cache Configuration Manually
To manually update memory and cache configuration
Update Java Heap Settings
To update the size of the Java Heap
1. In a text editor of your choice, open the setenv.bat or setenv.sh file, based on your operating system, in the presto-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/ folder.
3. Save your changes.
Update Cache Memory Settings
1. In the text editor of your choice, open the ehcache.xml file in the web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/classes folder.
2. Update the maxBytesLocalHeap value on the <cache> elements with the following names:
RESULT_FEED_DEBUG3. Save your changes
Update MashZone ThreadSize Properties
1. In the text editor of your choice, open the mashzone.properties file in the web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF folder.
2. Update the following properties:
calculation.threadpool.maxsize3. Save your changes