Export MashZone Feeds from Presto
You can export any or all MashZone feeds that you have imported into Presto or created in Presto to migrate them to another Presto instance.
1. Click
Admin Console in the Presto Hub main menu. 2. Click MashZone to expand this section of the Administration menu.
3. Click Import/Export and select the Export tab.
4. To export specific MashZone feeds:
a. Find and select the specific MashZone feeds you want to export from the list.
b. Click Export Selection.
This creates an MZP export file in the presto-install/mashzone/data/importexport folder with a name in the form F_feed-name_date-and-time.mzp that you can use to migrate these MashZone feeds.
5. To export all MashZone feeds:
a. Click Export All.
b. When prompted, click Export All to confirm this export.
This creates an MZP export file in the presto-install/mashzone/data/importexport folder with a name in the form F_first-feed-name_date-and-time.mzp that you can use to migrate these MashZone feeds.