Presto Add-Ons : The Presto Add-On for Portals : Migrating to New Versions of the Presto Add-On for Portals
Migrating to New Versions of the Presto Add-On for Portals
Download the New Presto Add-On for Portals Release
Upgrade Presto to the Matching Release
Backup Portal Configuration
Install the New Presto Add-On for Portals Release
Clear the Portlet Cache in the Portal
New versions of the Presto Add-On for Portals are compatible with the matching version of Presto. Upgrading to a new release typically involves upgrading both Presto and the Presto Add-On for Portals. The basic steps are:
1. Download the New Presto Add-On for Portals Release
2. Upgrade Presto to the Matching Release
3. Backup Portal Configuration
4. Install the New Presto Add-On for Portals Release
5. Clear the Portlet Cache in the Portal
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