Presto Add-Ons : Presto Add-On for SharePoint User Guide : Publish Mashup Results as External SharePoint Lists : Troubleshooting URL Loading Problems
Troubleshooting URL Loading Problems
When you create new connections, you may receive errors trying to load the WSDL URL or the endpoint URL. The most common reasons for these errors are:
*Minor typos in the URLs.
*Make sure the URL for the WSDL ends in ?sp_wsdl.
*Make sure the endpoint URL has no parameters (?sp_wsdl) at the end.
*The wrong Secure Service Application ID.
This application stores Presto credentials that are mapped to different SharePoint users. Check with your SharePoint administrator and verify that:
*The application ID is correct.
*Your Presto credentials exist in this application and are correct.
*This Presto account has permission to use this mashup.
*A missing certificate for this Presto Server.
SharePoint Designer uses a secure connection to the Presto Server. You must install the digital certificate for this Presto Server on your computer to connect successfully.
1. Contact your Presto administrator to obtain the correct certificate. Typically, this is a public.cer file.
2. Double click this file to start the wizard to install this certificate.
3. Do not install the certificate in the default or personal certificate store. Set the option to choose the certificate store.
4. Select Trusted Root Certificate Authorities as the certificate store.
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