Presto Administration : Getting Started with the Presto Server : Use the Default Presto User Repository : Manage Users : Create Users
Create Users
1. If needed, open the Admin Console (click in the Presto Hub main menu).
2. Expand the Users and Groups tab and click Users.
3. Click Add new user and complete the following information:
*User Name must be unique. This is the end-user's login name and primary key for the user record. User names cannot exceed 256 characters.
*First Name and Last Name are optional.
*Password cannot exceed 50 characters. Confirm the password.
Valid characters for the User Name and Password fields are defined by the database you use for the default Presto User Repository.
4. Set the Active option, if needed, and click Add User.
5. Add another user or click Done to close this form.
The new user is now active in Presto and has permissions as an authenticated user to work in the AppDepot. They can also run any artifact that grants run permissions to the All Authenticated Users group.
To give new users access to the Presto Hub to create artifacts or simply to work with artifacts from other users, you must add them to other groups, either manually or automatically. For more information, see:
*Automatically Assign New Users to Groups
*Edit, Grant Permissions and other User Management Tasks
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