Working in Presto Hub : Common Tasks for Mashables, Mashups and Apps : Share With Other Users
Share With Other Users
You can send notices within Presto Hub to other Presto users or send emails to any email address with a message and links to any mashable, mashup or app. You can also send sharing notices for published apps in the AppDepot.
Your Presto administrator must configure Presto to support emails for sharing notices. You can always send sharing notices to other Presto users.
Sharing sends a notice, however, other users cannot use a shared artifact unless they have the proper permissions.
To share an artifact in Presto Hub, open the artifact's page in Presto Hub from search results, bookmarks, favorites or other links and click Share.
*Copy the URL and paste it in emails or documents.
*Click Share via Email to automatically start a new email in your default email application. A link to this artifact appears in the body of the email.
*Click Share via Presto to send a notification in Presto to another user. Enter Presto usernames, separated by commas. Add an optional message, if desired, and click Send.
You receive sharing notices from other Presto users in the Shared With Me tab on the Presto Hub Home page. Notices of the artifacts you have shared with other users are listed in the Shared By Me tab.
In the AppDepot, you can also share published apps with other AppDepot users or send emails. Use Share in the app toolbar from the Open Apps tab, My Apps tab or the app information page.
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