Mashups in Presto Wires : Creating Mashups in Wires : Add Actions or Other Blocks : Group Results : Add Calculations for the Group
Add Calculations for the Group
To add statistics or other calculations for items in a group
1. Click Show Details in the Group section for that group, if aggregates are not visible.
2. Click Add an Aggregate. This adds fields defining the equation for this calculation.
3. In the left field, enter a name for the result node to contain this calculation.
Names must be valid XML names, starting with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, underscores (_), dashes (-) or periods (.).
4. Choose the function for this calculation:
5. Use the Path Selector to find the field within these repeating items to use for this calculation. See Select Fields or Paths for Block Properties with the Path Selector for more information.
Except for the count function, this field must have numeric data.
6. Add more calculations, if needed.
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