<filter> Examples
<filter> Basics
Identify the variable to filter in inputvariable and the variable to receive the filtered output in outputvariable. Define the filter as an XPath 2.0 expression in filterexpr. This is a relative expression within the input variable.
For example:
<variable name="queryResult" type="document"/>
<variable name="westCoastOnly" type="document"/>
<filter inputvariable="$queryResult"
The XPath predicate defines the comparison criteria for the filter. See
A Brief Introduction to XPath 2.0 for basic information about XPath predicates.
Filtering Variables with Namespaces
The filter expression uses XPath predicates to compare some value in the input variable to a literal value, as shown above. The path in the filter expression to find the input variable node to compare must include any namespaces used, as shown in this example:
<!-- select all lists that have user rating info -->
<filter inputvariable="$result" filterexpr="//ns:list[ns:rating]"
You can also use wildcards to match any namespace as shown in this example:
<!-- select all lists that have user rating info -->
<filter inputvariable="$result" filterexpr="//*:list[*:rating]"
Filtering Comparisons Using Variables orPresto Attributes
You can also filter based on any variable defined in the mashup
or any Presto attribute.
See Using
Attributes in Mashups for more information on Presto attributes and their use in mashups. You reference variables or Presto attributes using $variable-name. For example:
<input name="selectedEmail" type="string"/>
<filter inputvariable="$staff" outputvariable="$result"
filterexpr="/personnel/person[email = $selectedEmail]"/>
<variable name="global.secureClearance" type="string"/>
<filter inputvariable="$staff" outputvariable="secure"
filterexpr="/personally/person[clearance = $global.secureClearance]"/>
Filtering Based on Position
When results contain repeating items, you can filter based on the cardinal order or position of items. You can select one specific item by number or select a contiguous group using the XPath function position(). For example:
<!-- select the third staff member -->
<filter inputvariable="$staff" outputvariable="$result"
<!-- select the first 3 staff members -->
<filter inputvariable="$staff" outputvariable="$result"
filterexpr="/personnel/person[position() = (1 to 3)]"/>
Note: | XPath uses 1-based position indexing. |
Using XPath Functions or Other Comparison Operations in Filtering
In addition to the = operator, you can use any valid XPath operator in the filtering expression. This includes >, >=, <, <= and != (not equals). For example:
<!-- select all lists with user ratings > 5 -->
<filter inputvariable="$result" outputvariable="$highRated"
filterexpr="//*:list[*:rating > 5]" />
Note: | You must use XML escaping with XPath operators that use the < or > characters, as this example shows. |
You can also use two XPath functions, contains(string-to-search,string-to-match) and matches(string-to-search,pattern-to-match,[flags]), to handle substring comparisons. Both of these functions look for a string anywhere in the node you specify.
The contains() function does case sensitive comparisons. The example shown below selects all record nodes from the employees variable whose fname child contains "So" exactly. This would match names such as Sophy, Sonja or OnSo, but would not match Jefferson:
<!-- find employee with first name containing "So" exactly -->
<filter inputvariable="$employees" outputvariable="$result"
filterexpr='/records/record[contains(fname,"So")]' />
The matches() function can do either case-sensitive or case-insensitive searches. To make the match case-insensitive, pass i in the flags parameter. You can also use regular expressions in the second parameter to do wildcard matching or handle specific patterns.
The example shown below selects all record nodes from the employees variable whose fname child contains "so" in any case. This would match names such as Sophy, Sonja and Jefferson
<!-- find employee with first name containing "so" any case -->
<filter inputvariable="$employees" outputvariable="$result"
filterexpr='/records/record[matches(fname,"so","i")]' />
In addition to these two built-in functions, you can use any other built-in XPath function in a filter expression. XPath contains a wide variety of string, number and date functions to allow you to work with data. See
XPath 2.0 functions for more information.
You can also create you own XPath functions and add them to the
Presto Server to perform specific data transformations to handle specific comparisons that are unique to your organization. See
Defining Custom XPath Functions for more information.
Combining Filter Criteria
You can combine criteria in a filter expression to handle more complicated filtering. Use the keywords and or or in the expression. This example filters a variable based on any one of several criteria:
<filter inputvariable="$employees" outputvariable="$result"
filterExpr="records/record[matches(fname,$query,"i") or
matches(address,$query,"i") or
matches(phone,$query,"i") or
matches(city,$query,"i") or
matches(country,$query,"i") or
Using Dynamic Filtering Expressions
Filtering expressions contain both a path to a node and a predicate that defines a comparison to use as the filter. You can make the value of that comparison dynamic using variables
or Presto parameters (see Filtering Comparisons Using Variables or
You can also make the path portion of filtering expressions dynamic using input parameters and dynamic mashup expressions. Dynamic mashup expressions enclose references to variables in braces ( { } ) to ensure that they are evaluated before the XPath expression itself is evaluated.
This example invokes a Presto mashable information source and filters the results based on a path and field identified in input parameters:
<!-- input with an XPath path -->
<input name="selectedItem" type="string"/>
<input name="comparisonField" type="string"/>
<!-- invoke with dynamic filter defined by input -->
<invoke service="YahooHotJobsRss" operation="getFeed"
Dynamic Mashup Expressions for more examples and information.
Working Samples
There are several sample mashups for Presto that use the <filter> statement. Some of particular interest include:
FiltersSample (
filters.emml) for basic examples
DynamicHotJobFilters (
dynamicfilter.emml) or DynamicDataFiltering (
dynamicfilter2.emml) for examples of dynamic filtering
MergeUniqueItems (
unique.emml) for a sample of using <filter> to find unique values
Mashup Samples for a list of
Presto mashup samples and where to find them.