Custom Apps : Working in the App Editor
Working in the App Editor
Find and Open an App
Edit and Test an Open App
Download an App
Update an App
In the App Editor, you can:
*Download a new app template to begin a new custom app (see Create Custom Apps from the Base App Package for instructions).
*Upload a new app from your development environment (see Create Custom Apps from the Base App Package for instructions).
*Open custom or basic apps. See Find and Open an App for tips.
*Make simple edits and debug apps. See Edit and Test an Open App for tips.
*Download an app. See Download an App for more information.
*Update a custom app. See Update an App for more information.
The basic features of the App Editor are shown below:
Use the Toolbar to manage the current app, open other apps or start a new app. Each app opens in a new tab.
You can also use Ctrl + Alt + F to reformat code in the Code Editor pane and the Font Size menu to increase the default size of code.
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