Presto Administration : Presto Server Configuration : Configure Presto for SSL and Digital Certificates : Update SSL Configuration for Java
Update SSL Configuration for Java
With the EMML <directinvoke> statement, certificates for secure endpoints are validated against the default trust store for Java (the JRE). One-way SSL for mashable information sources may also use the default trust store for Java.
Initially, this may not be the trust store you have configured for the Presto Server in the application server and/or the Admin Console. This can cause security errors for <directinvoke> statements or mashable information sources.
To avoid these errors, you can configure the JRE to use the trust store for the Presto Server:
1. Open the appropriate startup script (below) for the application server hosting the Presto Server in any text editor:
*presto-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/setenv.bat file for Windows environments
*presto-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/ file for Linux, OS/X or UNIX environments
2. Add these system properties in the Java options in this script:
* this is the absolute path to the trust store for the Presto Server.
* this is only required if the Presto Server’s trust store uses a password.
3. Save your changes to the script and restart the Presto Server. See Start and Stop the Presto Server for instructions.
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